Interactive data visualization app for energy/power trading. Displays wind, solar, and other energy data. Created to show the growth trends categorized each prime mover.
- Dash - dash_core_components - dash_html_components - dash_bootstrap_components
- Plotly - -
- Pandas
- OS
- Path
- Clone this repo to your desktop.
- Install Dependencies
- import dash
- import dash_core_components as dcc
- import dash_html_components as html
- from dash.dependencies import Output, Input
- import as px
- import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
- import pandas as pd
- import plotly.graph_objects as go
- import os
- from pathlib import Path
- import as pio
- Run ''
- View the local server at
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Scatter Geo Map
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Dropdowns and radio buttons to include or excude data by Prime Mover
- Graphs automatically orient to fit window size
To-do list:
- Make color scheme so that every graph has consistent color markers for prime movers
- Change from using local xlsx files to pulling data from the EIA API
Project is: finished
Created by @HenryQuillin - feel free to contact me!