This application scrapes uniform rows of content and table content from websites.
- URL:
- Framework: BeautifulSoup, Pandas, Selenium, Webdriver-manager, and ChromeDriver
# Product Information Class
class ProductInfo:
productName = ""
price = 0
options =""
storePickup = ""
reviewRate = 0.0
numOfReviews = 0
def __init__(self, productName, price, options, storePickup, reviewRate, numOfReviews):
self.productName = productName
self.price = price
self.options = options
self.storePickup = storePickup
self.reviewRate = reviewRate
self.numOfReviews = numOfReviews
def showDetail(self):
print("Product Name: " + self.productName)
print("Price: $" + str(self.price))
print("Options: " + self.options)
print("Store Pickup: " + self.storePickup)
print("Review Rate: " + str(self.reviewRate) + " (out of 5)")
print("# of Reviews: "+ str(self.numOfReviews))
After scaping all pages, loop through the list and use a function of the custom class to display the content of each object in the list in a nicely formatted manner.
# Part A. d) Display the product list
print("Search Result in " + searchKeyword)
for product in productList:
# Create a dictionary from each row of product list and append it to a dataframe
# Write the dataframe to a CSV file and read the CSV file
DRIVER_PATH = "/Users/flaca/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/Dataset/"
CSV_FILE = "scrapping.csv"
dataSet = { 'Product Name': [], 'Price': [], 'Options': [],
'Store Pickup': [], 'Review Rate': [], 'Reviews': []}
df = pd.DataFrame(dataSet, columns= ['Product Name', 'Price', 'Options', 'Store Pickup', 'Review Rate', 'Reviews'])
for product in productList:
dicPro = {"Product Name":product.productName, "Price":product.price,
"Options":product.options, "Store Pickup":product.storePickup,
"Review Rate":product.reviewRate, "Reviews":product.numOfReviews}
df = df.append(dicPro, ignore_index=True)
# Convert type of df['Reviews'] to int
df['Reviews'] =df['Reviews'].astype(int)
# Delimiter: Tab, specify the index for the first column - index_col=[0]
df.to_csv(DRIVER_PATH + CSV_FILE, sep='\t')
dfIn = pd.read_csv(DRIVER_PATH + CSV_FILE, sep='\t', index_col=[0], keep_default_na=False)
print("*** The first two of products ***")
print("\n*** The last two of products ***")
- URL:
- Framework: BeautifulSoup, Pandas, Matplotlib