A complete and totally customizable notification system for React applications.
For now this component is only available as CommonJS module. Install via NPM running:
npm install react-notification-system
For optimal appearance, this component must be rendered on a top level HTML element in your application to avoid position conflicts.
Here is a basic example. For a more advanced usage, please see the example code.
var React = require('react');
var NotificationSystem = require('react-notification-system');
var MyComponent = React.createClass({
_notificationSystem: null,
_addNotification: function(event) {
message: 'Notification message',
level: 'success'
componentDidMount: function() {
this._notificationSystem = this.refs.notificationSystem;
render: function() {
return (
<button onClick={this._addNotification}>Add notification</button>
<NotificationSystem ref="notificationSystem" />
The notification object has the following properties:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | null | Title of the notification |
message | string | null | Message of the notification |
level | string | null | Level of the notification. Available: success, error, warning and info |
position | string | tr | Position of the notification. Available: tr (top right), tl (top left), tc (top center), br (bottom right), bl (bottom left), bc (bottom center) |
autoDismiss | integer | 5 | Delay in seconds for the notification go away. Set this to 0 to not auto-dismiss the notification |
dismissible | bool | true | Set if notification is dismissible by the user. See more |
action | object | null | Add a button with label and callback function. See more |
onRemove | function | null | A callback function that will be called when the notification is about to be removed. The first argument is the original notification e.g. function (notification) { console.log(notification.title + 'was removed'); } |
uid | integer/string | null | Overrides the internal uid . Useful if you are managing your notifications id. Notifications with same uid won't be displayed. |
If set to false, the user will not be able to dismiss the notification. For this reason, if set to false, the action
becomes required as the only way to dismiss the notification.
Add a button and a callback function to the notification. If this button is clicked, the callback function is called and the notification is dismissed.
notification = {
action: {
label: 'Button name',
callback: function() {
console.log('Notification button clicked!');
This component was made to work as plug and play. For that, a handcrafted style was added to it and is used as inline CSS.
You can change this style by overriding the default inline styles or disable all inline styles and use your own styles.
For this, use the style
prop to pass an object with your styles. Your object must be something like this:
var style = {
NotificationItem: { // Override the notification item
DefaultStyle: { // Applied to every notification, regardless of the notification level
margin: '10px 5px 2px 1px'
success: { // Applied only to the success notification item
color: 'red'
<NotificationSystem ref="notificationSystem" style={style} />
Refer to this file to see what can you override.
To disable all inline styles, just pass false
to the prop style
<NotificationSystem ref="notificationSystem" style={false} />
Here is the notification HTML:
<div class="notifications-wrapper">
<div class="notifications-{position}"> <!-- '{position}' can be one of the positions available: ex: notifications-tr -->
<div class="notification notification-{level} notification-{state} {notification-not-dismissible}"> <!-- '{level}' can be: success | error | warning | info. '{state}' can be: visible | hidden. {notification-not-dismissible} is present if notification is not dismissible by user -->
<h4 class="notification-title">Default title</h4>
<div class="notification-message">Default message</div>
<span class="notification-dismiss">×</span>
<div class="notification-action-wrapper">
<button class="notification-action-button">Action button</button>
Using this method you have to take care of every style, since containers positions and the animations. To control animations, use the classes notification-visible
and notification-hidden
. If your CSS styles will not handle any animation (transition), you need to set the prop noAnimation
to true
when adding the Notification System component:
<NotificationSystem ref="notificationSystem" noAnimation={true} />
- Add tests
- Improve performance
Clone this repo by running:
git clone [email protected]:igorprado/react-notification-system.git
Enter the project folder and install the dependencies:
npm install
To build the files, run from root
npm run build
To watch files for change and automatically build:
npm run watch
This component is under construction. I will add more guidelines to who wants to contribute.