Code and documentation for digital education resources provided by the Vanderbilt Libraries Digital Lab.
Go to the Digital Education Resources website
The repository structure is described below.
├── : Description of this repository
├── LICENSE : CC0 license description
├── code : reusable code examples
│ ├── api : code for interacting with APIs via HTTP
│ │ ├── : description of included code
│ │ ├── python : Python versions
│ │ └── xquery : XQuery versions
│ │ ├── : API Python module for import or cut/paste
│ │ ├── http_library.xq : API XQuery code for cut/paste
│ │ └── http_library.xqm : API XQuery module for import
│ ├── file : code for manipulating text files
│ │ ├── : description of included code
│ │ ├── python : Python versions
│ │ └── xquery : XQuery versions
│ │ ├── load_file.xq : file loading XQuery code for cut/paste
│ │ └── load_file.xqm : file loading XQuery module for import
│ ├── gui : code for generating a graphical interface for user interaction
│ │ ├── : description of included code
│ │ └── python : Python versions
│ │ └── : simple script that generates two text boxes and a button
│ ├── scrape : example code for scraping a website
│ │ ├── : description of included code
│ │ └── python : Python versions
│ │ ├── : code to perform the scrape, including loops
│ │ └── scrape-sec.ipynb : Jupyter notebook of code for only a single instance of each resource
│ ├── viz : data visualization resources
│ ├── wikibase : interact with Wikibase using Pywikibot, or generic MediaWiki API
│ │ ├── api : code for interacting with Wikibase using MediaWiki API
│ │ │ ├── : generic Python code for writing to Wikibase using MediaWiki API
│ │ │ ├── : abbreviated Python code for writing CSV data to Wikibase using API
│ │ │ └── credentials.txt : credentials necessary for using MediaWiki API
│ │ ├── families : folder to hold Pywikibot family settings
│ │ └── {various files} : remaining files in this directory are for using Pywikibot
│ └── wikidata : preliminary work on setting up a bot
│ ├── item-properties.html : HTML page template for reading from Wikidata
│ ├── item-properties.js : Javascript to run HTML page to read from Wikidata
│ ├── : Python script to use rdflib library to process Wikidata data
│ ├── : Python script to retrieve JSON data using SPARQL
│ └── : Python script to retrieve RDF/Turtle triples using SPARQL
└── data : sample data
├── rdf : Resource Description Framework (RDF) examples
│ ├── presidents.rdf : data about presidents retrieved from Wikidata via SPARQL CONSTRUCT
│ ├── vandy : sample dataset of people associated with Vanderbilt and their works
│ │ ├── institution.csv : source data table about insitutions
│ │ ├── person.csv : source data table about people
│ │ ├── work.csv : source data table about creative works (publications)
│ │ ├── graph-model.pdf : diagram showing the relationships between the classes of institutions, people, and works
│ │ ├── vandy-graph.png : graph diagram of instances of institution, people, and works represented in the source tables
│ │ ├── vandy-triples.csv : table of 66 triples that describe the graph of institution, people, and works
│ │ └── vandy.ttl : Turtle serialization of 66 triples in the graph of institution, people, and works
│ └── serializations : RDF serialization examples
│ ├── example.json : JSON-LD example
│ ├── example.nt : N-Triples example
│ ├── example.nq : N-Quads example
│ ├── example.rdf : XML example
│ └── example.ttl : Terse RDF Triple Language (Turtle) example
├── gis : Geographic Information Systems example data
│ └── wg : GIS working group examples
│ ├── Metro_Nashville_Schools.csv : spreadsheet of data about Nashville schools
│ └── :
└── xml : Extensible Markup Language (XML) examples
├── menu-example-errors.xml : generic XML example with errors
├── menu-example-corrected.xml : generic XML example (corrected)
└── tei : Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) examples
├── dickinson-tei-example.xml : brief example of Dickinson text
└── dickinson-variants-tei-example.xml : example with text variants