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[generators] add to lose dependency on
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Simn committed Jan 8, 2024
1 parent e674663 commit 3cb7d88
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Showing 5 changed files with 124 additions and 35 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ let generate ctx tctx ext actx =
| Java ->
if Common.defined com Jvm then
Genjvm.generate actx.jvm_flag,"java"
(fun com ->
Genjvm.generate actx.jvm_flag (Common.to_gctx com)
| Python ->
Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/context/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -412,6 +412,25 @@ type context = {
memory_marker : float array;

let to_gctx com = {
Gctx.platform = com.platform;
defines = com.defines;
basic = com.basic;
debug = com.debug;
file = com.file;
features = com.features;
modules = com.modules;
main = com.main;
types = com.types;
resources = com.resources;
main_class = com.main_class;
native_libs = match com.platform with
| Java -> (com.native_libs.java_libs :> NativeLibraries.native_library_base list)
| Cs -> (com.native_libs.net_libs :> NativeLibraries.native_library_base list)
| Flash -> (com.native_libs.swf_libs :> NativeLibraries.native_library_base list)
| _ -> [];

let enter_stage com stage =
(* print_endline (Printf.sprintf "Entering stage %s" (s_compiler_stage stage)); *)
com.stage <- stage
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/context/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,14 +23,18 @@ type native_lib_flags =
| FlagIsStd
| FlagIsExtern

class virtual ['a,'data] native_library (name : string) (file_path : string) = object(self)
class virtual native_library_base (name : string) (file_path : string) = object(self)
val mutable flags : native_lib_flags list = []

method add_flag flag = flags <- flag :: flags
method has_flag flag = List.mem flag flags

method get_name = name
method get_file_path = file_path

class virtual ['a,'data] native_library (name : string) (file_path : string) = object(self)
inherit native_library_base name file_path

method virtual build : path -> pos -> Ast.package option
method virtual close : unit
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65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
open Globals
open Type

type t = {
platform : platform;
defines : Define.define;
basic : basic_types;
debug : bool;
file : string;
features : (string,bool) Hashtbl.t;
modules : Type.module_def list;
main : Type.texpr option;
types : Type.module_type list;
resources : (string,string) Hashtbl.t;
main_class : path option;
native_libs : NativeLibraries.native_library_base list;

let raw_defined gctx v =
Define.raw_defined gctx.defines v

let has_dce gctx =
Define.defined_value gctx.defines Define.Dce <> "no"
with Not_found ->

let rec has_feature gctx f =
Hashtbl.find gctx.features f
with Not_found ->
if gctx.types = [] then not (has_dce gctx) else
match List.rev (ExtString.String.nsplit f ".") with
| [] -> die "" __LOC__
| [cl] -> has_feature gctx (cl ^ ".*")
| field :: cl :: pack ->
let r = (try
let path = List.rev pack, cl in
(match List.find (fun t -> t_path t = path && not (Meta.has Meta.RealPath (t_infos t).mt_meta)) gctx.types with
| t when field = "*" ->
not (has_dce gctx) ||
(match t with TAbstractDecl a -> Meta.has Meta.ValueUsed a.a_meta | _ -> Meta.has Meta.Used (t_infos t).mt_meta)
| TClassDecl c when (has_class_flag c CExtern) && (gctx.platform <> Js || cl <> "Array" && cl <> "Math") ->
not (has_dce gctx) || Meta.has Meta.Used (try PMap.find field c.cl_statics with Not_found -> PMap.find field c.cl_fields).cf_meta
| TClassDecl c ->
PMap.exists field c.cl_statics || PMap.exists field c.cl_fields
| _ ->
with Not_found ->
) in
Hashtbl.add gctx.features f r;

let get_entry_point gctx = (fun path ->
let m = List.find (fun m -> m.m_path = path) gctx.modules in
let c =
match m.m_statics with
| Some c when (PMap.mem "main" c.cl_statics) -> c
| _ -> Option.get (ExtList.List.find_map (fun t -> match t with TClassDecl c when c.cl_path = path -> Some c | _ -> None) m.m_types)
let e = Option.get gctx.main in (* must be present at this point *)
(snd path, c, e)
) gctx.main_class
65 changes: 32 additions & 33 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@

open Globals
open Ast
open Common
open Gctx
open Type
open Path
open JvmGlobals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ end
(* Haxe *)

type generation_context = {
com : Common.context;
gctx : Gctx.t;
out : jvm_output;
t_runtime_exception : Type.t;
entry_point : (tclass * texpr) option;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -505,7 +505,6 @@ class texpr_to_jvm
(jm : JvmMethod.builder)
(return_type : jsignature option)
= object(self)
val com =
val code = jm#get_code
val pool : JvmConstantPool.constant_pool = jc#get_pool

Expand All @@ -521,7 +520,7 @@ class texpr_to_jvm
method vtype t =
jsignature_of_type gctx t

method mknull t = com.basic.tnull (follow t)
method mknull t = gctx.gctx.basic.tnull (follow t)

(* locals *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -988,13 +987,13 @@ class texpr_to_jvm
let ev = mk (TLocal v) v.v_type null_pos in
let el = List.rev_map (fun case ->
let f e' = mk (TBinop(OpEq,ev,e')) com.basic.tbool e'.epos in
let f e' = mk (TBinop(OpEq,ev,e')) gctx.gctx.basic.tbool e'.epos in
let e_cond = match case.case_patterns with
| [] -> die "" __LOC__
| [e] -> f e
| e :: el ->
List.fold_left (fun eacc e ->
mk (TBinop(OpBoolOr,eacc,f e)) com.basic.tbool e.epos
mk (TBinop(OpBoolOr,eacc,f e)) gctx.gctx.basic.tbool e.epos
) (f e) el
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2109,7 +2108,7 @@ class texpr_to_jvm
| TParenthesis e1 | TMeta(_,e1) ->
self#texpr ret e1
| TFor(v,e1,e2) ->
self#texpr ret (Texpr.for_remap com.basic v e1 e2 e.epos)
self#texpr ret (Texpr.for_remap gctx.gctx.basic v e1 e2 e.epos)
| TEnumIndex e1 ->
self#texpr rvalue_any e1;
jm#invokevirtual java_enum_path "ordinal" (method_sig [] (Some TInt))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2560,9 +2559,9 @@ class tclass_to_jvm gctx c = object(self)
| None ->
if c.cl_path = (["haxe"],"Resource") && cf.cf_name = "content" then begin
let el = Hashtbl.fold (fun name _ acc ->
Texpr.Builder.make_string name null_pos :: acc
) [] in
let e = mk (TArrayDecl el) ( null_pos in
Texpr.Builder.make_string gctx.gctx.basic name null_pos :: acc
) gctx.gctx.resources [] in
let e = mk (TArrayDecl el) (gctx.gctx.basic.tarray gctx.gctx.basic.tstring) null_pos in
default e;
| Some e when mtype <> MStatic ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2603,7 +2602,7 @@ class tclass_to_jvm gctx c = object(self)
let jsig = method_sig [array_sig string_sig] None in
let jm = jc#spawn_method "main" jsig [MPublic;MStatic] in
let _,load,_ = jm#add_local "args" (TArray(string_sig,None)) VarArgument in
if has_feature "haxe.root.Sys.args" then begin
if has_feature gctx.gctx "haxe.root.Sys.args" then begin
jm#putstatic (["haxe";"root"],"Sys") "_args" (TArray(string_sig,None))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2838,7 +2837,7 @@ let generate_enum gctx en =
jm_values#new_native_array (object_path_sig jc_enum#get_this_path) fl;
(* Add __meta__ TODO: do this via annotations instead? *)
begin match Texpr.build_metadata (TEnumDecl en) with
begin match Texpr.build_metadata gctx.gctx.basic (TEnumDecl en) with
| None ->
| Some e ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3000,32 +2999,32 @@ module Preprocessor = struct
| _ ->
) m.m_types
) gctx.gctx.modules;
(* preprocess classes *)
List.iter (fun mt ->
match mt with
| TClassDecl c ->
if not (has_class_flag c CInterface) then gctx.preprocessor#preprocess_class c
else check_single_method_interface gctx c;
| _ -> ()
) gctx.gctx.types;
(* find typedef-interface implementations *)
List.iter (fun mt -> match mt with
| TClassDecl c when not (has_class_flag c CInterface) && not (has_class_flag c CExtern) ->
gctx.typedef_interfaces#process_class c;
| _ ->
) gctx.gctx.types

let generate jvm_flag com =
let path = FilePath.parse com.file in
let jar_name,entry_point = match get_entry_point com with
let generate jvm_flag gctx =
let path = FilePath.parse gctx.file in
let jar_name,entry_point = match get_entry_point gctx with
| Some (jarname,cl,expr) -> jarname, Some (cl,expr)
| None -> "jar",None
let compression_level = try
int_of_string (Define.defined_value com.defines Define.JvmCompressionLevel)
int_of_string (Define.defined_value gctx.defines Define.JvmCompressionLevel)
with _ ->
Expand All @@ -3038,10 +3037,10 @@ let generate jvm_flag com =
| Some _ ->
begin match with
| None ->
"./",create_jar ("./" ^ com.file)
"./",create_jar ("./" ^ gctx.file)
| Some dir ->
mkdir_from_path dir;
add_trailing_slash dir,create_jar com.file
add_trailing_slash dir,create_jar gctx.file
| None -> match with
| Some dir ->
Expand All @@ -3050,25 +3049,25 @@ let generate jvm_flag com =
| None ->
failwith "Please specify an output file name"
end else begin
let jar_name = if com.debug then jar_name ^ "-Debug" else jar_name in
let jar_dir = add_trailing_slash com.file in
let jar_name = if gctx.debug then jar_name ^ "-Debug" else jar_name in
let jar_dir = add_trailing_slash gctx.file in
let jar_path = Printf.sprintf "%s%s.jar" jar_dir jar_name in
jar_dir,create_jar jar_path
end in
let anon_identification = new tanon_identification haxe_dynamic_object_path in
let dynamic_level = try
int_of_string (Define.defined_value com.defines Define.JvmDynamicLevel)
int_of_string (Define.defined_value gctx.defines Define.JvmDynamicLevel)
with _ ->
if dynamic_level < 0 || dynamic_level > 2 then failwith "Invalid value for -D jvm.dynamic-level: Must be >=0 and <= 2";
let gctx = {
com = com;
gctx = gctx;
out = out;
t_runtime_exception = TInst(resolve_class com (["java";"lang"],"RuntimeException"),[]);
t_runtime_exception = TInst(resolve_class gctx (["java";"lang"],"RuntimeException"),[]);
entry_point = entry_point;
t_exception = TInst(resolve_class com (["java";"lang"],"Exception"),[]);
t_throwable = TInst(resolve_class com (["java";"lang"],"Throwable"),[]);
t_exception = TInst(resolve_class gctx (["java";"lang"],"Exception"),[]);
t_throwable = TInst(resolve_class gctx (["java";"lang"],"Throwable"),[]);
anon_identification = anon_identification;
preprocessor = Obj.magic ();
typedef_interfaces = Obj.magic ();
Expand All @@ -3078,12 +3077,12 @@ let generate jvm_flag com =
default_export_config = {
export_debug = true;
detail_times = Common.raw_defined com "jvm_times";
detail_times = Gctx.raw_defined gctx "jvm_times";
timer = new Timer.timer ["generate";"java"];
jar_compression_level = compression_level;
dynamic_level = dynamic_level;
} in
gctx.preprocessor <- new preprocessor com.basic (jsignature_of_type gctx);
gctx.preprocessor <- new preprocessor gctx.gctx.basic (jsignature_of_type gctx);
gctx.typedef_interfaces <- new typedef_interfaces gctx.preprocessor#get_infos anon_identification;
gctx.typedef_interfaces#add_interface_rewrite (["haxe";"root"],"Iterator") (["java";"util"],"Iterator") true;
let class_paths = ExtList.List.filter_map (fun java_lib ->
Expand All @@ -3100,13 +3099,13 @@ let generate jvm_flag com =
close_out ch_out;
Some (Printf.sprintf "lib/%s \n" name)
) com.native_libs.java_libs in
) gctx.gctx.native_libs in
Hashtbl.iter (fun name v ->
let filename = StringHelper.escape_res_name name ['/';'-'] in
gctx.out#add_entry v filename;
) com.resources;
) gctx.gctx.resources;
let generate_real_types () =
List.iter (generate_module_type gctx) com.types;
List.iter (generate_module_type gctx) gctx.gctx.types;
let generate_typed_interfaces () =
Hashtbl.iter (fun _ c -> generate_module_type gctx (TClassDecl c)) gctx.typedef_interfaces#get_interfaces;
Expand Down

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