Simple Log Monitoring Overlay for Star Citizen
Click Start (bottom left)
Select Star Citizen install folder. I.e "LIVE" or "PTU" (this will be saved as default next time. Can be changed in file menu.)
(Mouse has to be focused on the log viewer for them to work currently)
ctrl q
= chart window : shows the chart of the word occurrencesctrl w
= add word fast : adds selected word to list of search wordsctrl e
= word manager : shows the word manager windowctrl f
= search word : searches for the selected word, highlights all occurrences in yellow and shows a count
Is just a tool that listens for any input.
I use it to see how much time is wasted during testing.
If there is no input for more than 1 second it starts counting time spent idle.
It stops when any input is received. (be careful as the button to open it in the log viewer will open multiple instances.)