Due Oct 26th, 22:00, via blackboard.
The live version of this document can be found at: HPCE/hpce-2015-cw1
The next three courseworks will be released on a week by week basis, with two weeks to do each:
- CW2: Issued Oct 19th, due Nov 2nd
- CW3: Issued Nov 26th, due Nov 9th
- CW4: Issued Nov 2nd, due Nov 16th
The last two courseworks do not overlap, and deadlines are:
- CW5: Issued Nov 16th, due Nov 30th
- CW6: Issued Nov 30th, due Dec 11th
The deadlines are designed to get out of the way of DoC exams in week 11, and other coursework-heavy end of term things.
There may well be errors in this spec, in the instructions, in the code, or simple things like spelling. If you find a problem or have a question, please share it.
We will be working with github throughout the course, initially as a mode of distribution, but in somewhat more complicated ways later on.
For now, you only really need to worry about the following:
This document and supporting code are part of a repository called
. -
The repository tracks changes I make to files in the repository, recording each set of changes as a commit.
From your point of view, the repository on github is the "remote" repository, and you only have read access to it.
You need to clone the remote repository to get a "local" or "working" repository, which is a copy of the files that you can work with and modify.
If I make changes to the remote repository on github, you can pull those changes so that your local copy is updated.
For more information on git, and how you can work with repositories, see this brief intro to Git.
As has been suggested, it is possible to simply download this repository as a zip, but it is much better to clone it:
- It helps you to get started with git.
- When there are updates (and that is very likely), you'll be able to integrate back into your working copy.
You also have the ability to commit within your local repository, which allows you to track changes that you are making. I would encourage you to do this, but it is not required.
Also, for those of you who have used git/github before, please do not fork into a publically visible repository. It is best to limit opportunities for plagiarism, even in low-stakes coursework.
There is a file in this directory called prepare_submission.m
, which
will check that the required files exist, run some very simple
sanity checks, then create a zip file for submission. This script
does not check that all the functions are correct - the main
goal is to reduce the turnaround time for marking, and to eliminate
small problems with incorrect file names, or missing pdfs.
Submission will be via blackboard.
Correctness is much more important than performance. Everything in this exercise should either result in a function that produces exactly the same output as a previous function, or there is a known good output against which it can be compared. The only notes I'll make are:
Checking image
is identical to imageim2
is as simple asassert(all(all(im1==im2)))
. -
I am forcing you to test functions for different parameters, and to check old against new. It would be trivial to create a function that compares the output of two functions, rather than meauring execution times.
Interesting test-inputs are generally "0", "1", "2", and "many", which is true for image widths and heights, as well as kernel sizes.
Matlab supports a simple module (or namespace) system, whereby
a directory with a leading +
represents a module. For example,
a directory called +XXX
establishes a module called XXX
, and
any functions in that directory can be called from within matlab
using XXX.
prefix. For example, a directory called +wibble
containing a file called wobble.m
establishes a function that
can be called from within matlab as wibble.wobble
. For more
information, search the matlab documentation for "Packages Create Namespaces".
This coursework assumes that your matlab current directory is
set to the same directory as this file (spec.md
). You
can check this by typing ls('spec.md')
into the matlab
prompt. If it can't find the file, you need to change your
One of the things you are required to do is to save certain graphs as pdfs. The existence of these figures is assessed (i.e. worth marks), but the content of them is not. The reason for getting you to generate and save them is to make sure that you have actually run the experiments - it is purely educational.
So for saved graphs, getting the marks depends on:
(Automatic, Everyone) Does the pdf file exist?
(Automatic, Everyone) Is the file size less than 256KB?
(Automatic, Everyone) Is the file actually a pdf?
(Manual, Random) Is the graph of what it is supposed to be?
I will randomly sample a small number of the graphs (10% or so) to check them manually. I fully expect all the graphs to be fine; the sampling and marks is just a nudge to make sure that people don't optimise these steps out in the interest of time.
You do not have to stick to the specific parameters I have
given, and in fact I encourage you to explore the ranges of
and the exact functions you time in order to get the best
graphs for your machine. If you want to have multiple figures
one one plot, then go for it.
The requirement on file size is to stop people taking... interesting... approaches to producing pdfs. Previous submissions have seen people:
Taking photos of graphs on the monitor with their camera, then converting to pdf.
Printing graphs, then taking a photo with their camera, then converting to pdf.
Same as above, but using a scanner (looks ok, but ends up with an 8MB file).
Please don't be that person. There is a File -> Save As
option on matlab figures, which supports direct pdf generation.
Unless you have a huge number of points in your plot you
should come in at well under 256KB - it is somewhat difficult
to get the file size above 100KB for these kinds of graphs.
Before starting this, you may wish to look at background-timing.md.
In the +timing directory, there is a very simple
function called simple_function_time
, which is
just a wrapper round tic
and toc
. It takes a
single function with no parameters, and returns the
execution time. To see it in use on various functions,
run the script timing.demo
Add a file called +timing/function_time.m
, with the
same prototype as simple_function_time
plus some
additional accuracy constraints:
function [t]=function_time(f)
% function_time Return the execution time for a single execution of f() in seconds
% f : A function with no inputs
% The timing accuracy is 10% or better. So if the true time is
% "t" and the measured time is "m", it should attempt to ensure
% that abs((m-t)/t) < 0.1". This function supports
% execution times of f from micro-seconds to minutes
% efficiently.
% The user of this function takes on responsibility for
% making sure that the machine is not loaded, and that
% frequency scaling is turned off.
% Examples:
% > f=@()( sin(1) ); timing.function_time(f)
% > timing.function_time(@()( randn(1000)*randn(1000) ) )
What is a "fast" function in the context and timing capabilities of matlab?
What do you need to do for "fast" functions to ensure start-up costs and timing resolution are compensated for?
How do you make sure that "slow" functions are still timed "efficiently"?
Create a function called +timing/function_time_against_n.m
with the following prototype and behaviour:
function [ts,ns]=function_time_against_n(f, ns, maxTime)
% function_time_against_n Measure the execution time of a function with varying inputs
% f : A function taking a single positive integer parameter n. Execution time
% is assumed to increase monotonically (approximately) with n.
% ns : A vector of monotonically increasing positive integers.
% maxTime : Maximum amount of time the function should take (default == 3 seconds)
% This function calculates the changing execution time for a
% function of a single parameter, as that parameter takes on
% a vector of increasing values. The total time used to calculate
% the times should be (approximately) bounded by the maxTime
% parameter, so if maxTime is 60, then the user is willing to wait
% one minute for function_time_against_n to complete. The function
% should investigate as many data-points as possible - if time runs out, all
% remaining ts values should be NaN (Not a Number).
% Usage:
% > f=@(n)( randn(n).^2 );
% > timing.function_time_against_n(f, 1:20)
% > [ts,ns]=timing.function_time_against_n(@(n)( randn(10)^n, 1:20) ); plot(ns,ts);
% > [ts,ns]=timing.function_time_against_n(@(n)( inv(randn(n), 1:100), 10.0) % Increase maxTime
The function
can be used to create a vector of NaN values of chosen size. -
When you need to measure two overlapping time-spans, you can use the 'tId=tic(); t=toc(tId)' form.
Once your 'function_time_against_n' function works, you can use the helper function 'timing.plot_function_time_against_n', to plot function execution time against parameter:
> timing.plot_function_time_against_n(@rand)
or to compare two different functions:
f1=@(n)( rand(n,1) );
f2=@(n)( rand(n,n) );
f3=@(n)( rand(n,n)^2 );
f4=@(n)( rand(n)*rand(n) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n( { f1, f2, f3, f4 } );
Save as: figures/e1_2_scaling.pdf
Note: This originally said "figures/e1_2_comparison.pdf", but
used the scaling name.
To compare the scalability of one function in different ways, do:
f=@(x,y)( randn(x)^y );
f1=@(n)( f(100,n) );
f2=@(n)( f(n,100) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n( { f1, f2 } );
Beware of processor throttling and frequency scaling, especially in laptops, but sometimes in desktops and servers now. A good sanity check for this is to time the same function twice:
f1=@(n)( rand(n) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n( { f1, f1 } );
Is the same function substantionally faster the second time (and can you hear the fan speed up)?
In the +effects
directory there are two functions blur_scalar
and invert_scalar
. Both functions are image processing kernels,
and transform a square window of grayscale pixels into a single
output pixel. Inversion is only based on the input pixel, so it
consumes a 1x1 input window, while blur requires a 3x3 input window.
In the +render
directory there is a function apply_scalar
, which
will take pixel kernels, and apply them to all the pixels in
an image. This function is responsible for extracting windows from
the image, and applying a given function - see the documentation
of the function for the specification.
Run the script effects.demo
to see some examples of using the
two together.
The Scharr edge detection kernel is a Sobel-like operator that determines how "edgey" a pixel is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobel_operator.
Add a function +effects/scharr_scalar.m
which implements a per-pixel
edge detection kernel. The function should calclate the vertical
and horizontal strength G_x and G_y, then combine them into the
output pixel using the mapping:
G = sqrt(G_x^2+G_y^2);
pixel = min(G/8, 1);
An example of reference output is included as +effects/cameraman.scharr.ref.png
which I generated using the code:
im= double(imread('cameraman.tif'))/256;
im=render.apply_scalar(@effects.scharr_scalar, 1, im);
% Don't execute this unless you want to overwrite the reference
% imwrite(im,'+effects/cameraman.scharr.ref.png');
Some examples of applying the function:
% Some basic tests
effects.scharr_scalar(zeros(3)); % == 0
effects.scharr_scalar([1 1 1 ; 0.5 0.5 0.5 ; 0 0 0]); % == 1
effects.scharr_scalar([0.5 0.6 0.7; 0.5 0.6 0.7; 0.5 0.6 0.7]); % == 0.4
% Apply the function
im= double(rgb2gray(imread('pears.png')))/256;
imshow( render.apply_scalar( @effects.scharr_scalar, 1, im ) );
Start from the blur kernel
Handle just the horizontal or vertical direction first, then work on combining them together.
Use the reference image as a comparison against yours. You can easily load images and subtract them.
There is a format conversion when saving to png, which will result in very small differences due to round-tripping between integer and double. I will use the command:
all(all( abs(ref-got) < 0.01 ))
to compare them.
Note: the expectation is that it is possible to get exactly the same results, but don't worry if you can't; move on and tackle the later parts, then come back later.
The median kernel replaces each pixel with the median of the pixels in the window, which removes noise, but tends to retain edges: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_filter
Add a function +effects/median_scalar.m
which implements a per-pixel
median filter. The filter should be able to deal with any
odd-sized window, e.g. 1x1 (border=0), 3x3 (border=1), 11x11 (border=5).
There is reference output in `+effects/cameraman.median7x7.ref.png' which I generated with:
im= double(imread('cameraman.tif'))/256;
im=render.apply_scalar(@effects.median_scalar, 3, im);
% Don't execute this unless you want to overwrite the reference
% imwrite(im,'+effects/cameraman.median7x7.ref.png');
Other basic tests to perform are:
% Some basic tests
effects.median_scalar([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]); % == 5
effects.median_scalar([1 1 1; 7 7 7; 5 5 5]); % == 5
% Apply the function
im= double(rgb2gray(imread('pears.png')))/256;
imshow( render.apply_scalar( @effects.median_scalar, 1, im ) );
imshow( render.apply_scalar( @effects.median_scalar, 6, im ) );
There is a function called
supplied by matlab, but it does not behave in the way we want for 2D matrices. -
You can use
to flatten the input pixels, for example turning a 3x3 array into a 1x9 array for input tomedian
. -
Or matlab also allows linear indexing into two dimensional arrays. For example, try
x=[1 0 1; 2 0 2; 9 9 9], x(1:9)
Because the median filter has another (implicit) parameter, you are now in a position to explore the scaling in execution time for that parameter:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.median_scalar, n, rand(100) ) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.median_scalar, 4, rand(96+n) ) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n( {f1, f2}, 4:1000 )
Save as: figures/e2_2_median_window_scaling.pdf
Using an intermediate function gives us flexibility (which we'll
exploit in a minute), but this abstraction comes at a cost. Create
a function called +effects/render_blur.m
, with the following
prototype and behaviour:
function [out] = render_blur(in)
% render_blur Directly blurs an image
% This function is defined by equivalence with apply_scalar and blur_scalar:
% > [o1]=render.apply_scalar(@effects.blur_scalar, 1, im);
% > [o2]=effects.render_blur(im);
% > assert(all(all(o1==o2)));
% As much as possible this should be a simple de-abstraction, with the
% body of effects.blur_scalar inserted directly into render.apply_scalar,
% with no further optimisations.
You can use this to explore the cost of abstraction:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.blur_scalar, 1, rand(n) ) );
f2=@(n)( effects.render_blur( rand(n) ) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n( {f1, f2}, 10:10:1000 )
Save as: figures/e2_3_abstraction_cost.pdf
This allows you to quite accurately infer the overead involved in creating an anonymous function. The overhead in matlab is quite high, so we need to make sure that:
The cost of the work within the function is much higher than the overhead.
Or, the functional gain due to abstraction is worth the performance hit.
Or, ideally, both.
Matlab contains a parfor
loop, which allows the iterations of certain types of for
loops to be
executed in parallel. The documentation for matlab goes into much more
detail; have a quick read, but don't worry about diving too deeply
into the details. The essential property we need is that a statement of the form:
for i=1:100
x(i)= something(i);
can be transformed into:
parfor i=1:100
x(i)= something(i);
Each iteration needs to be independent in order for this
to work, so executing something(4)
should have no effect
on the output of something(5)
Create a new function +render/apply_scalar_par_inner.m
, based
on the original render.apply_scalar
. Modify the function so that
the inner loop over x, is now a parfor
loop (it is exactly
as easy as it sounds).
You should now be able to run:
tic; render.apply_scalar_par_inner( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(500) ); toc
Some things that you might see happening (in matlab r2014a):
Matlab will explain that it is starting up worker threads, and there may be a brief pause.
If you have a CPU activity monitor running, the CPU should spike up on all CPUs, with copies of matlab running on each.
If you use a processor or task monitor, you can see extra copies of matlab which are just hanging around in the background.
In older version of matlab, you need to explicitly start the
parallel pool using the matlabpool
command, then try running
the command again.
Compare the timing of the parallel version against the original (sequential) version. Is it faster? Do you expect it to be?
There is a startup cost associated with running any code, which is usually much lower on subsequent code. When you started matlab originally, how long did you have to wait before you exected the first command? How long do you have to wait between commands after the first command?
Try looking at the scaling of the function along different parameters (you may need to tweak the parameters a little depending on your machine):
ftall=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_inner( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(n,8) ));
fwide=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_inner( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(8,n) ));
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({ftall,fwide}, 2.^(3:16), 5);
How does the image being tall or wide relate to the parallelism? What could the relationship between the size of the sequential loop versus the parallel loop be?
Inversion is a very cheap operation, with just one subtraction per pixel. Median is much more complex, particularly as the window size grows. Try exploring the change in window size (note that this has a minute timeout, as you want to see the entire graph):
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.median_scalar, n, rand(50,50) ));
f2=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_inner( @effects.median_scalar, n, rand(50,50) ));
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2}, 0:24, 60);
Save as: figures/e3_1_median_scaling.pdf
How do you explain the behaviour of the sequential version? similarly, how do you explain the behaviour of the parallel version?
Create another new function +render/apply_scalar_par_outer.m
, based
on the original render.apply_scalar
. Modify the function so that
the outer loop over y is now a parfor
loop, but the inner
x loop is not a parfor
(again, extremely simple).
Try the same experiment as before:
ftall=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_outer( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(n,8) ));
fwide=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_outer( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(8,n) ));
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({ftall,fwide}, 2.^(3:16), 5);
Save as: figures/e3_2_scaling_versus_aspect.pdf
(_note: Originally had the wrong extension ".m")
How is it different in terms of:
Raw execution speed?
Relative difference between tall and skinny?
It's now worth comparing all three versions:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.median_scalar, border, rand(n,n) ) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_inner( @effects.median_scalar, border, rand(n,n) ) );
f3=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_outer( @effects.median_scalar, border, rand(n,n) ) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2,f3}, 50:50:1000, 10);
For the parallelised outer loop, should see a speed-up close-ish to the number of CPUs that matlab is using, while for smaller images the sequential version is likely to be faster.
The median filter is relatively complex, as for every (x,y) co-ordinate, it does a lot of work, particularly for larger windows. If you vary the window/border size, you (should) see that as the window gets larger, the image size at which the par_outer version beats the original version moves to the left.
Inversion does almost nothing per pixel, so the relative overhead of the parallel loop is higher. However, think of the rough structure of apply_scalar_par_outer:
parfor y
for x
As the image size gets larger, there are more rows, which means more parallel iterations. As we've seen, there is a cost associated with doing something in parallel, so more parallel iterations seems bad. However, as the image gets bigger, there are also more columns, which means that the inner sequential for loop contains more and more work.
So even for the very lightweight inversion, it is entirely possible we'll get a speed-up as we scale up width and height:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(n,n) ) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_outer( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(n,n) ) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2}, 50:50:1000, 10);
A reminder: don't forget to try varying things like the ns
to try to explore how your specific machine behaves.
The notion of where to introduce parallelism into a program is quite fundamental in making sure that you want to make things faster. We have seen that making the inner loop parallel is a disaster in terms of performance, and makes it much slower. Thinking about the structure of apply_scalar_par_inner, it expands as:
for y
parfor x
Every time we want to pass a parallel iteration to a different processor, there is a communication cost. This the unavoidable overhead of supporting parallelism, and is pure cost. Once a parallel iteration has started, we can work sequentially within it with little overhead, so the general principle is to move parallelism to the outer loop whereever possible.
Parallelism is sometimes a cheap way of getting a speed-up, but a more classic, and often more effective way is vectorisation. The fundamental idea of vectorisation is to apply a function to many independent pieces of data at the same time, rather than calling the function on each piece of data sequentially.
A canonical example in matlab is the replacement of for loops with indices:
% Call the sin function on each piece of data
for i=1:length(x)
% Call the sin function once with all data
Vectorisation is well known as an optimisation technique in matlab, but is an important concept across the high performance computing world. Multi-core programming tools such as TBB and OpenMP use it as a way of expressing parallelism, while it is fundamental to the low-level architecture of GPUs.
Create a new function called +render/apply_vector_rows.m
, based
on apply_scalar. This function will do the same basic operation
as before, but will now pass rows of pixels to the kernel, so
the documentation should be updated (the documentation hints
at how to achieve it):
function [out]=apply_vector_rows(f, border, in)
% apply_scalar_vector_rows Applies a pixel-by-pixel effect to an image.
% f - A function taking a 2*border+1 x 2*border+w row of pixels,
% and producing a 1 x w row of output pixels
% border - How much extra surrounding input is needed to produce one pixel
% in - Input image as a gray-scale double-precision matrix
% Given an input image of width=size(in,2) and height=size(in,1), this
% produces an image of size (height-2*border) x (width-2*border).
% Ensures that for all border<y<=height-border and border<x<=width-border
% out(y-border,1:end) = f( in(y-border:y+border,:) )
% > [out]=render.apply_vector_rows(@(x)(1-x), 0, image); % invert an image
Vectorise the inner loop of the function, so that there is only one outer loop. Each iteration of that loop should read a wide strip of pixels, pass it to the kernel function, then write the row of produced pixels into the output.
To indicate you want the entire width of a matrix, you can use colon, as in
. -
matrix now spans the entire width of the input image. -
The output row spans the entire width of the output image.
You should now be able to apply some (but not all) kernel functions, such as inversion:
im= double(rgb2gray(imread('pears.png')))/256;
imshow( render.apply_vector_rows( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, im ) );
Looking at the performance of the vector version versus scalar and parallel, you should see a massive difference:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(n) ));
f2=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(n) ));
f3=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_outer( @effects.invert_scalar, 0, rand(n) ));
Save as: figures/e4_1_vector_speedup.pdf
An improvement of 100x over the original version is likely, which can be attributed to various types of overhead being reduced:
Interpreter overhead: a for loop in matlab is executed by the matlab interpreter, so each operation ('+', '*', etc.) will often map to many hundreds of machine instructions. Once vectorised, the loop is lowered to compiled C code, which can get close to one machine instruction per operation.
Abstraction overhead: we wrappd the kernel inside a function handle, so there is some overead involved in unpacking the function for each pixel. This overhead now only happens once per vector.
If we consider the loops and the overheads, the original looked like this:
for y
Overhead: intepreter loop
for x
Overhead: interpeter loop
Overhead: function abstraction
Overhead: interpreter wrapper around low-level '1-x'
Progress: machine instruction for '1-x'
while the rewritten version looks like:
for y
Overhead: interpreter loop
Overhead: function abstraction
Overhead: interpreter wrapper around low-level '1-x'
for x
Progress: maching instruction for '1-x'
In the first version, we get all the overhead on every pixel, while in the second version we only get the overhead once per row.
Note how similar this is to the experience with introducing parallelism, as the same general principle holds - push the high overhead parts to the outer-most loop possible, and make sure the inner loop is running as fast as it can.
If you try to apply the other scalar effects, they will fail, as they
assume that the input is a square surrounding the desired pixel. The
function effects.blur_vector
gives an example of a vectorised
version of blur_scalar:
im= double(rgb2gray(imread('pears.png')))/256;
imshow( render.apply_vector_rows( @effects.blur_vector, 1, im ) );
Create an equivalent function effects.scharr_vector
which supports
the Scharr operator, and can be called in the same way. e.g.:
im= double(rgb2gray(imread('pears.png')))/256;
imshow( render.apply_vector_rows( @effects.scharr_vector, 1, im ) );
- The function should not contain any for loops (if it does, it isn't vectorised).
Our vector function should also meet the definition of a scalar function,
so can still be used with apply_scalar
. What are the changes
in function execution time?:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.scharr_scalar, 1, rand(n) ));
f2=@(n)( render.apply_scalar( @effects.scharr_vector, 1, rand(n) ));
f3=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows( @effects.scharr_vector, 1, rand(n) ));
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2,f3}, 10:10:1000, 5);
Save as: figures/e4_2_scharr_scaling.pdf
Pay particular attention to where the lines cross, and think about why they are crossing - what are the changing overheads, and how often does that overhead get incurred?
If you look at the median_scalar
function, it is less obvious how to
vectorise it due to the call to the internal median
function. The
first approach is to "fake" the abstraction, and simply to include
a for loop - the function appears vectorised, but internally is not
truly vectorised.
Create a function +effects/median_vector_fake.m
which implements
a function appropriate for use with render.apply_vector
. Try not
to add too much optimisation, think of it as simply pushing the
x loop from scalar_map "into" median_scalar.
By inference from the function definitions, the following code should work, and the assertion should hold:
out1=render.apply_scalar(@effects.median_scalar, 3, im);
out2=render.apply_vector_rows(@effects.median_vector_fake, 3, im);
- You need to infer the border parameter, which you can calculate from the height of the input pixels.
As always, we want to know about the cost/benefit of this. While we haven't truly vectorised the function, we have possibly removed some per-pixel abstraction penalty and made it per-row instead:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar(@effects.median_scalar, 1, rand(n)) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows(@effects.median_vector_fake, 1, rand(n)) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2}, 20:20:1000);
Save as: figures/e4_3_median_fake_scaling.pdf
What about if we hold the image size constant, and change the window?:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_scalar(@effects.median_scalar, n, rand(200)) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows(@effects.median_vector_fake, n, rand(200)) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2},1:10 );
The tradeoff between these two methods is essentially whether the interpreted x loop is in apply_scalar, outside the abstraction:
for y
Overhead: interpreter
for x
Overhead: interpreter
Overhead: f -> median_scalar abstraction
Work: extract pixels, run median
or to have the x loop inside the abstraction:
for y
Overhead: interpreter
Overhead: f -> median_vector abstraction
for x
Overhead: interpreter
Work: extract pixels, run median
Visually adding up the overhead, which one comes out better? Does it match the results?
Don't worry if you can't get this working, it is more a matlab skill than a general HPC technique.
It is actually possible to fully vectorise median_scalar, though it requires some mental gyrations. This can be somewhat tricky to get right if you don't know matlab well, and to a certain extent these tricks are mainly to get round the speed problems of the matlab interpreter.
So create a function +effects/median_vector
which is a true
vectorised version of +effects/median_vector
. It should have
the same functionality but be fully vectorised, so it should
contain no for loop.
If you can't get this working in a fully vectorised
version, make +effects/median_vector.m
a more
optimal version of +effects/median_vector_fake.m
, which
removes any unnecessary operations.
The matlab
function has specific behaviour if the input is a 2D array. Read the documentation, and try runningx=[1 2 3 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9 10 11 12 ; 6 5 4 3 2 1], median(x)
. -
The matrix functions
are very useful in terms of building up complex indexing primitives. -
Draw pictures. What matrix of pixels do you need to pass to
? What are the indices of those pixels within the original image? -
Think about linear indexing. How can you create a vector of linear indices which pulls out the pixels you want?
Assuming you can get this working, check the effect on performance as the image size goes up:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows(@effects.median_vector_fake, 1, rand(n)) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows(@effects.median_vector, 1, rand(n)) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2}, 20:20:1000);
Save as: e4_4_median_vector_scaling.pdf
Equally interesting is what happens when the window size is changed:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows(@effects.median_vector_fake, n, rand(100)) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows(@effects.median_vector, n, rand(100)) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2}, 1:50, 10);
Vectorisation and parallelism are deeply related. A simplistic way of viewing things is that vectorisation exploits data-parallelism at a fine-grain instruction level, while parallelism exploits it at a coarse-grain thread or process level. As vectorisation has lower startup overhead, we generally want to make sure that parallelism is wrapped around vectorisation.
Create a file called +render/apply_vector_rows_par_outer.m
, which is
based on apply_vector_rows, but now uses a parfor loop (again, it
is as easy as it sounds).
Compare the performance of the combined version against the two originals:
f1=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows(@effects.scharr_vector, 1, rand(n)) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_scalar_par_outer(@effects.scharr_scalar, 1, rand(n)) );
f3=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows_par_outer(@effects.scharr_vector, 1, rand(n)) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2, f3}, 50:50:5000, 10);
Save as: figures/e5_1_simple_par_vec_scaling.pdf
Depending on your computer, OS, and many other things, you might see various behaviour here. The parallel scalar version is always going to be comparitively slow, but the relationship between the vector and vector-p arallel versions is less predictable. Most likely, the vector-parallel version will be somewhat worse than, or at best the same speed as, the vector version.
The parallel version still incurrs a lot of overhead for each row, which is large compared to the faster vectorised row effects. Currently the loops like:
parfor y
Overhead: parallel
Overhead: interpreter
Overhead: abstraction
Work: vectorised function
The parallel overhead per iteration is very high, and we simply don't need 100s of parallel iterations. It is quite common to have 1000 rows of pixels, but it is (currently) rare to have much more than 8 cores on a desk-top.
Create a function +render/apply_vector_rows_par_coarse.m
, which
is based on apply_vector_rows_par_outer, but which splits
the x loop into (at most) 16 parallel outer iterations, and w/16 sequential
inner iterations:
parfor yCoarse
Overhead: parallel
for y=yFine
Overhead: interpreter
Overhead: abstraction
Work: vectorised function
The outer (coarse) loop should execute 16 iterations, i.e. it creates 16 parallel pieces of work, each handling 1/16 of the image rows. You can assume that the height of all images is more than 32.
f1=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows_par_outer(@effects.scharr_vector, 1, rand(n)) );
f2=@(n)( render.apply_vector_rows_par_coarse(@effects.scharr_vector, 1, rand(n)) );
timing.plot_function_time_against_n({f1,f2}, 50:50:5000, 10);
Save as: figures/e5_2_par_chunked.pdf
Keep the outer for loop non parallel until you are sure the partitioning into two loops is correct.
Establish a vector
of length 17, such thatyC(i)..yC(i+1)-1
is the range handled by coarse iterationi
. Boundary conditions areyC(1)==1
, andyC(17)==wOut+1
. -
You may start to encounter problems with matlab complaining about 'parfor', and its inability to classify variables. First, read the documentation - the error message will both contain suggestions on what to do, and links to much longer discussions.
A decent pattern is to build up part of the output image within a private matrix in the inner sequential loop, then append it to the output matrix right at the end. Something like:
out=[]; parfor i=1:16 localOut=zeros(localHeight, wOut); for y=1:... localOut(y,:)=f( ... ); end out=[out ; localOut]; end
Matlab will warn about having to send the entire input image to every parallel worker. It will be happier (at least int terms of performance) if you select just the input region needed within one parallel iteration at the start of each parallel iteration, then only read from that matrix.
Draw pictures of the for loops and matrices.
Create a function +render/apply_vector_opt.m
, which
uses any techniques you think appropriate to get the
best speed across a range of input image sizes and functions.
You can assume that all kernel functions will be row vectorised.
There is no specific technique expected here, just try to think of any optimisations or tricks you can use to make things faster. Remember, my machine is different to yours - how can you try to get "good" performance everywhere?
Submission steps:
Run the script
. -
Fix unexpected problems (missing files, etc.)
Think again: "have I actually tested my functions?"
Submit the zip via blackboard.