Webpack for wordpress theme with jquery
git clone https://github.com/xXispectorXx/theme-wp-webpack.git
mv theme-wp-webpack assets
cd assets
npm i
npm audit fix
npm run dev
npm run prod
const entry = {
index: SRC_DIR + '/index.js',
// Separated compilation file (for any other page added after this line you need restart webpack)
home: PAGES_DIR + '/home.js',
if the npm is running with webpack you need restart building script
"main": "main.js",
"scripts": {
"prod": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --mode production --progress",
"dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack --watch --mode development --progress",
"keywords": [
on this section you can send variable to webpack file like NODE_ENV
"myscript": "cross-env MY_VAR_NAME=test NODE_ENV=production webpack --watch --mode production --progress"
the webpack script recive:
MY_VAR_NAME=test = on => process.env.MY_VAR_NAME
NODE_ENV=production = on => process.env.NODE_ENV
--mode production = on => argv.mode
you can use this settings to customize your webpack
if you wont add custom css or scss from different npm library to general index script is sufficient import this file in /src/index.js or any js file in /src/js.
remember: for any build in separate file all css or scss imports has separate build css
for home.js for any import css or scss in this file you can find the
builded css => ./dist/css/home.bundle.css
builded js => ./dist/js/home.bundle.js