Creating authentic human connection in the modern world, via bear.
By: Eric Miller, Toby Shapinsky, Jared Briskman
Drawing inspiration from bear-as-a-service.
bear-with-me is a project of both software and social invention. Users call The Bear, who will connect their call with another random user, and give them a conversation prompt. This provides an unexpected yet intentional interaction.
From a technical perspective, bear-with-me is a python webapp integrated with twilio, and deployed on heroku.
Use pipenv
for dependency resolution. Installation instructions here.
Then resolve python dependencies with:
$ pipenv install
You will also need the heroku CLI. On Ubuntu:
$ sudo snap install heroku --classic
For development, a local postgresql db is recommended. Install postgres:
$ sudo apt install postgresql
On Ubuntu, this installs authorized to a dedicated unix account 'postgres'.
To create a separate account with a password:
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ createuser <username>
$ createdb <dbname>
$ psql
# ALTER USER <username> WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<password>';
# \q
You may also need to modify your pg_hba.conf
to change local authentication from peer
or ident
to md5
More information found here and here.
Copy env.template
to env.local
and edit the variables inside to match your configuration.
To set the environment, simply $ source env.local
To change database schema, modify the file, then commit the migration:
$ pipenv run flask db migrate -m "Changelog goes here"
Check the migration script, and apply with:
$ pipenv run flask db upgrade
To upgrade the production database, run:
$ heroku run upgrade
Upon inital setup, you will need to upgrade the local db prior to use.
Make sure all secrets are set in env.local
To start a local webserver, run:
$ pipenv run gunicorn app:app
Heroku server live at To deploy, push to the master branch on the heroku remote.