MacOS/Linux | Windows |
Stable | Prerelease |
Use singleFileInput
from Fable.FileInput.React
instead of regular input
from Fable.Import.React
if you want to handle inputs of single files without fighting with auto-bindings.
OnFileBytesReceived of (FileInfo<JS.ArrayBuffer> -> unit)
OnDataUrlReceived of (FileInfo<string> -> unit)
OnTextReceived of (FileInfo<string> -> unit)
Where FileInfo
type FileInfo<'t> = { Name: string; MIME: string; Data: 't }
open Fable.FileInput.React
open Fable.Helpers.React
open Props
let view model dispatch =
div [] [
singleFileInput [ClassName "button"; OnFileBytesReceived(YourMessage>>dispatch)]
Will add soon tm