Simple GUI tool to search from filename using a file index generated by pyFileIndexer
My comments in french for a fresh start
- TODO : everything in english
- TODO : code separation between main, interface, index file handling...
- -i ou --index : set the index file name to use , default "index.pbz2" Note : the index file has to be generated by pyFileIndexer (no extension required is the argument)
install pyinstaller with the command :
- pip install pyinstaller
build the executable:
- pyinstaller ./ --onefile -w
Options : onefile -> generates only one .exe executable file with all included w -> hide the console window at run time
- or use the pyFileSearch.spec
Do not forget to copy the index file (index.pbz2) next to the executable file
[ ] TODO : the executable cannot accept arguments to define the index file name yet.