This rental website provides a platform for users to search for properties, manage property listings, and connect buyers with sellers. The website features a user-friendly interface with a search bar, filters, and property listings displayed on the home page. It supports user authentication and allows for specific functionalities based on user roles.
- Home Page:
- Search bar with filters.
- Property listings
- User Authentication:
- Login and Sign-Up pages for user registration and authentication.
- Two types of users: Buyer and Seller.
- Seller Functionality:
- The seller can add, update, delete, and view his own properties.
- Buyer Functionality:
- The buyer can like properties.
- He also can indicate interest in a property, triggering an email notification to both buyer and seller with the property information along with each other's contact information.
- Real time updates:
- When the buyer likes a property the like count of that property increases in real time.
- When the buyer expresses interest in a property the view count of that property also increases in real time.
- Git
- Node.js (with npm)
- Ember CLI
- Google Chrome
git clone <repository-url>
cd my-app
npm install
npm run start
- Visit the app at http://localhost:4200.
npm run build