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Releases: Gouvernathor/parliamentarch


25 Nov 23:12
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Avoids writing HTML-unprotected characters (like &<>'") as title.


15 Aug 17:27
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This fixes a division by zero error when generating diagrams with a single row.

v1.1 : A quiet revolution

10 Jul 21:15
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This update breaks a small part of the API, but simplifies the interdependence between the various callables and between the two submodules.
Namely, it removes the seat radius from the geometry submodule entirely.
That enables and simplifies future feature additions, since they would complexify something that's less complex in the first place.

Visual changes

In the resulting diagrams, the vertical margin between the bottom-most seats and the bottom border is the same as between the top-most seat (when the outer row has an odd number of seats) and the top border.

The seat radius factor now defaults to 0.8 rather than 1.

Incompatible API changes

The get_seats_centers function doesn't take a seat_radius_factor anymore, and returns a plain dict with no attributes.
As a result, the seat_actual_radius and nrows values cannot be accessed directly after a call to get_seats_centers.

The new get_row_thickness function compensates this by allowing the actual radius (taken by the svg submodule) to be computed from the radius factor and the number of rows, as follows : seat_actual_radius = seat_radius_factor * get_row_thickness(nrows).
As a reminder, nrows itself can be computed from the number of seats by using the get_nrows_from_nseats function.

v1.0.3 : Last before a change

10 Jul 15:15
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Last release before an incompatible API change.
In generating the SVG code, three things are now ommitted :

  • the alpha digits of a color with full opacity,
  • the <title> element when there is no data to put in it,
  • the border style information when the border has no thickness.


25 May 13:13
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Fixes an encoding issue with the written files.
When passed a file name, the write functions opened a file in the local encoding, as is the infortunate default behavior of Python, but now it will be opened in UTF-8 mode.
It's always possible to pass a file opened under another encoding.

v1.0.1 : Backport to 3.11

23 May 22:38
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This minor release lowers the required minimal Python version to 3.11.

The two functions from the main module level also have more accurate inspectable signatures.


19 May 16:23
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This Release includes a CLI : a command-line interface.
This interface still requires an existing json file to be passed, but I feel it works well enough to deserve moving to 1.0 🤩.


02 May 20:37
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This adds a CLI and fixes a critical error with the base module functions.


02 May 17:47
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Test release...