GCal4Ruby is a full featured wrapper for the google calendar API. GCal4Ruby implements all of the functionality available through the Google Calendar API, including permissions, attendees, reminders and event recurrence.
GCal4Ruby was created and is maintained by {Mike Reich}[mailto:[email protected]] and is licenses under the LGPL v3. Feel free to use and update, but be sure to contribute your code back to the project and attribute as required by the license. You can find the text of the LGPL here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html.
http://cookingandcoding.com/gcal4ruby/ (original GCal4Ruby plugin)
GCal4Ruby has three major components: the service, calendar and event objects. Each service has many calendars, which in turn have many events. Each service is the representation of a google account, and thus must be successfully authenticated using valid Google Calendar account credentials.
Below are some common usage examples. For more examples, check the documentation.
service = Service.new
service.authenticate({:username => "[email protected]", :password => "password"})
service = Service.new({:GData4RubyService => :OAuthService})
See edave-GData4Ruby for more details
calendars = service.calendars
All usages assume a successfully authenticated Service.
Create a new Calendar cal = Calendar.new(service)
Find a calendar by ID cal = Calendar.find(service, {:id => cal_id})
Get all calendar events cal = Calendar.find(service, {:id => cal_id}) events = cal.events
Find an existing calendar by title cal = Calendar.find(service, {:title => "New Calendar"})
Find all calendars containing a search term cal = Calendar.find(service, "Soccer Team")
All usages assume a successfully authenticated Service and valid Calendar.
Create a new Event event = Event.new(service, {:calendar => cal, :title => "Soccer Game", :start => Time.parse("12-06-2009 at 12:30 PM"), :end => Time.parse("12-06-2009 at 1:30 PM"), :where => "Merry Playfields"}) event.save
Find an existing Event by title event = Event.find(service, {:title => "Soccer Game"})
Find an existing Event by ID event = Event.find(service, {:id => event.id})
Find all events containing the search term event = Event.find(service, "Soccer Game")
Find all events on a calendar containing the search term event = Event.find(service, "Soccer Game", {:calendar => cal.id})
Find events within a date range event = Event.find(service, "Soccer Game", {'start-min' => Time.parse("01/01/2010").utc.xmlschema, 'start-max' => Time.parse("06/01/2010").utc.xmlschema})
Create a recurring event for every saturday event = Event.new(service) event.title = "Baseball Game" event.calendar = cal event.where = "Municipal Stadium" event.recurrence = Recurrence.new event.recurrence.start_time = Time.parse("06/20/2009 at 4:30 PM") event.recurrence.end_time = Time.parse("06/20/2009 at 6:30 PM") event.recurrence.frequency = {"weekly" => ["SA"]} event.save
Create an event with a 15 minute email reminder event = Event.new(service) event.calendar = cal event.title = "Dinner with Kate" event.start_time = Time.parse("06/20/2009 at 5 pm") event.end_time = Time.parse("06/20/2009 at 8 pm") event.where = "Luigi's" event.reminder = {:minutes => 15, :method => 'email'} event.save
Create an event with attendees event = Event.new(service) event.calendar = cal event.title = "Dinner with Kate" event.start_time = Time.parse("06/20/2009 at 5 pm") event.end_time = Time.parse("06/20/2009 at 8 pm") event.attendees => {:name => "Kate", :email => "[email protected]"} event.save