Note: I will have abused the DOM by writing more or less nothing in pure HTML. The reason behind this is to practice DOM manipulation and won't be seen in future projects.
"Etch-a-Sketch" project according to TheOdinProjects rules found here:
More DOM manipulation, JavaScript and CSS.
Note: The pseudocode underneath was for the MVP of the Odin project. Regrettably no pseudocode was written for the extra features.
Initialize a 16x16 square grid as a div called "squareGrid" using CSS Grid and append it to the body Add id "squareGrid"
Initialize divs inside the container with a loop Add an event listener change the div(s) background color on hover
Initialize a button that clears the entire grid when clicked Add a prompt that asks the user for how many squares they want for their new grid. Limit at 40 for performance Add a function that reads the user's input and creates a new grid in the same space as the previous one