- Integration of Chainlink VRF with RANDAO
- Implementation of Chainlink External Adaptor
- Implementatio of Linkpool Bridge Adaptor
- Implementation of Chainlink VRF
- Integration of Validator Contracts
- Integration of Proof of Stake Contracts
- Chainlink Initiators and Adaptors integrated with Chainlink VRF Powered RANDAO
- Integration of Validators and Proof of Stake Consensus with Chainlink Oracle Contracts
- Solidity 0.6.6
- Truffle v5.1.46
- NodeJS v14.11
- Yarn
- npm install truffle -g
- truffle unbox smartcontractkit/box
- yarn install
- npm test
- yar test
Package installation should have occurred for you during the Truffle Box setup.
However, if you add dependencies, you'll need to add them to the project by running:
npm install Or
yarn install
- npm test
If needed, edit the truffle-config.js config file to set the desired network to a different port.
It assumes any network is running the RPC port on 8545.
npm run migrate:dev
For deploying to live networks, Truffle will use truffle-hdwallet-provider for your mnemonic and an RPC URL.
Set your environment variables $RPC_URL and $MNEMONIC before running:
npm run migrate:live
- Transition to Proof of Stake
- Transition to Automated Market Makers
- Transition to Proof of Reputation
- Develpment of Oracle Contract Witnesses