In this Repository I'll upload some of my small Python Projects.
Auto Versioning Compiling: Automated program that compiles a python script into an exe with auto versioning.
MySQLDatabases: A test to connect to a MySQL database using python.
Proxy: I tried to write a proxy in python with the use of some modules. With it, you could edit the code that gets sended to the users browser.
Site Connectivity Checker: I tried to write a connectivity checker for websites. It uses the ICMP 4 protocol. You can even show the route to a tested site.
I started this Repository to learn some new Python modules, so here is an overview about the modules I used:
- HTTP Proxy:
- HTTP.Server
- MySQL Database:
- MySQL.connector
- Site Connectivity:
- ICMPlib
- Auto Versioning & Compiling:
- Pyinstaller
- OS
- Packaging.Version
- shutil
- Corona Cases Desktop Notifications
- datetime
- date
- requests
- os
- plyer.notifiaction
- Youtube Download
- Paty
- youtube-dl