A gem that wraps up the ICWS ReST api
Making a Connection
connection = ICWS::Connection.new APPLICATIONNAME, SERVER
connection.connect USERID, PASSWORD
Deleting a user:
def delete_user(id, connection)
user_config = ICWS::Configuration::Users.new connection
user_config.delete URI.escape id
Create a Workgroup:
def setup_workgroup(workgroup_name, extension, connection)
workgroup_config = ICWS::Configuration::Workgroups.new connection
workgroups = workgroup_config.get_all.select {|r| r['configurationId']['id'] == workgroup_name}
workgroupId = workgroup_name
if(workgroups.length ==0)
new_workgroup = {
:queueType => 5,
:hasQueue => true,
:isActive => true,
:extension => extension
workgroup_config.create_new workgroupId, new_workgroup
Set a User's Status
status = ICWS::Status.new connection
status.set_user_status URI.escape(id), 'AVAILABLE'