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2. Usage

Guillaume Delevoye edited this page Oct 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Step 1 : Installation

1.1 : Install mamba (preferred) or conda (deprecated)

Mamba is a fast/efficient alternative to the well-known conda

wget "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh

Once it is done, Restart the terminal

If you don't do it, you'll have problems

1.2 Build and install the package with mamba

Ensure that you are using mamba instead of conda, and then :

git clone
cd cigarfilter
mamba create -n cf cxx-compiler cmake make pip "conan<2" boa -c conda-forge
mamba actvate cf
conda mambabuild ./conda-recipe/ -c conda-forge
mamba install -c local cigarfilter

Step 2 : Check how to use / Test that everything works

Make sure that you are using the "cf" mamba environment that was created in the previous script

The main program :

(base) delevoye@Dell-G15-5530:~/cigarfilter$ mamba activate cf
(cf) delevoye@Dell-G15-5530:~/cigarfilter$ cigarfilter -h
  cigarfilter [-?|-h|--help] [-f|--filter <filter name>] [-p|--print_header <bool>]

Display usage information.

  -?, -h, --help          
  -f, --filter <filter name>
                          Use "cigarfilter_config help" for more info.
  -p, --print_header <bool>
                          When set to false, the header is not printed. <default: TRUE>

The companion software to handle the plugins :

(cf) delevoye@Dell-G15-5530:~/cigarfilter$ cigarfilter_config -h
  * help :
	 Displays this help

  * pluginpath :
	 Displays the path were filters are stored. Manually modify them only at your own risks.

  * list :
	 Lists all available filters.

  * add :
	 Adds a filter from a .cpp file (see README online at

  * remove :
	 Removes a filter. Example : "cigarfilter_config remove default".

  * clean :
	 Cleans all logs and temporary files.

  * purge :
	 Cleans all logs, temporary files and all filters except the default one.

Run the automated tests to make sure (among other things) that the two software can communicate correctly :

(cf) delevoye@Dell-G15-5530:~/cigarfilter$ cigarfilter_test
Running main() from /home/delevoye/.conan/data/gtest/1.12.1/_/_/build/bd0690086619c54f81a8365940843110bf637ce7/src/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 20 tests from 3 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 12 tests from cigar
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_listdigit
[       OK ] cigar.t_listdigit (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_eq
[       OK ] cigar.t_eq (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_empty
[       OK ] cigar.t_empty (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_S
[       OK ] cigar.t_S (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_D
[       OK ] cigar.t_D (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_I
[       OK ] cigar.t_I (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_X
[       OK ] cigar.t_X (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_N
[       OK ] cigar.t_N (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_P
[       OK ] cigar.t_P (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_H
[       OK ] cigar.t_H (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.t_M
[       OK ] cigar.t_M (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] cigar.complex_1
[       OK ] cigar.complex_1 (0 ms)
[----------] 12 tests from cigar (0 ms total)

[----------] 2 tests from plugin_helpers
[ RUN      ] plugin_helpers.plugindir
[       OK ] plugin_helpers.plugindir (16 ms)
[ RUN      ] plugin_helpers.get_default_plugin
[       OK ] plugin_helpers.get_default_plugin (17 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from plugin_helpers (33 ms total)

[----------] 6 tests from ExampleTest
[ RUN      ] ExampleTest.iterate_groups_t
[       OK ] ExampleTest.iterate_groups_t (51 ms)
[ RUN      ] ExampleTest.default_t
[       OK ] ExampleTest.default_t (51 ms)
[ RUN      ] ExampleTest.example1_t
[       OK ] ExampleTest.example1_t (50 ms)
[ RUN      ] ExampleTest.example2_t
[       OK ] ExampleTest.example2_t (50 ms)
[ RUN      ] ExampleTest.example3_t
[       OK ] ExampleTest.example3_t (51 ms)
[ RUN      ] ExampleTest.example4_t
ERROR : Could not remove the tmp file in fixture "StdoutFixture"
[       OK ] ExampleTest.example4_t (16 ms)
[----------] 6 tests from ExampleTest (272 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 20 tests from 3 test suites ran. (306 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 20 tests.

Step 3. Copy-paste the template in a .cpp source file

#include "cigarfilter_API.hpp" // Don't worry if this file is not in your directory

CIGARFILTER_PLUGIN ( // A macro that wraps your code in a cigarfilter plugin. 
bool filter(CIGAR &cigar, std::string &samline){ 
    * Your implementation goes here
    // If you return true, the read passes the filter (i.e it will be printed)
}) // Don't forget to close the parenthesis

Step 4. Implement your filter

Here is a simple example of implementation :

#include "cigarfilter_API.hpp"

bool filter(CIGAR &cigar, std::string &samline){ 
   if(cigar.D >= 5){ // If the read contains 5 deletions or more, don't print it...
          return false; 
      return true;

See here for the documentation of the CIGAR class and more examples

Step 5. Compile and install your filter

cigarfilter_config add [your_implementation.cpp] [your_filter_name] 
# This is where the dark magic happens

Step 6. Use your filter

cigarfilter was designed to work well with samtools :

samtools view -h ./input.bam | cigarfilter -f your_filter_name | \
		samtools view -bS > filtered_output.bam

You can also use it directly on .sam files :

cat ./input.sam | cigarfilter -f your_filter_name > filtered_output.sam

By default, cigarfilter transmits the header. If you want to avoid that behaviour you can use "--print_header false" :

# The header will not be present in filtered_output.sam
cat ./input.sam | cigarfilter -f your_filter_name --print_header false > filtered_output.sam