This example was created for a CodeLab in the Google Developers Summit Mexico City 25 julio 2015 GDS Mexico.
I updated the example firebase android chat created by firebase using the concept of material design.
Slides firebase Codelabs created by Erik González and Antonio Guzmán.
and replace
with a reference to your Firebase.
- Material Design Theme
- RecyclerView
- CardView
- Toolbar
- Fragment
- Firebase SDK
- Email & Password Authentication Firebase makes it easy to integrate email and password authentication into your app lean more.
Firebase keeps the list data up to date based on a mapping to a model class.
You can do lots more with Firebase on Android. Check out the Android Quickstart guide to learn more.
A simple chat application that built with Firebase on Android.
- Android Chat created by Firebase Original Example
- Antonio Guzmán Fernández / Google Developer Expert Thank you for your awesome collaboration to create the talk content.
- Firebase Team Thank you for your awesome platform Wonderful Good Job!
**you should enter an e-mail and password if not registered the application registers **
If you want to integrate firebase with twitter API also use Design library you can found a full example here.