Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Grégoire Lejeune, 2016 Botsunit, 2017-2018 G-Corp
Version: 0.1.0
Authors: Gregoire Lejeune ([email protected]
VICE is a fork and rewrite of erlffmpeg.
cmake, ffmpeg|libav, libopencv-dev, imagemagick, SoX
1> vice:start().
2> {async, Worker} = vice:convert("test/erlang.mp4", "erlang.webm").
3> vice:status(Worker).
{running, 9.131803868645973}
3> vice:status(Worker).
{running, 22.89698605488079}
Type | Name | Description | Value | Example |
global | cgroup | Execute encoder in the given cgroup. | string() | binary() | {cgroup, "cpu:/erlang.vice"} |
global | cgexec | Path to the cgexec executable. | string() | binary() | {cgexec, "/usr/bin/cgexec"} |
global | type | Allow you to force the input type. | video | audio | image | {cgexec, "/usr/bin/cgexec"} |
For video conversion, VICE use FFmpeg.
Type | Name | Description | Value | Example |
global | preset | Use a given preset file. | string() | atom() | {preset, hls1080p} |
global | global_params | Global parameters. | [{atom(), term()}] | [{framerate, 25}, {bitrate, 3950}] |
global | yes | Overwrite output files without asking. | true | false | {yes, true} |
global | fix_sub_duration | Fix subtitles durations. For each subtitle, wait for the next packet in the same stream and adjust the duration of the first to avoid overlap. | true | false | {fix_sub_duration, true} |
global | canvas_size | Set the size of the canvas used to render subtitles. | integer() | {canvas_size, 10} |
global | filter_complex | Define a complex filtergraph, i.e. one with arbitrary number of inputs and/or outputs. | Filtergraph :: string() | binary() | proplist() | {filter_complex, [{"acrossfade", "d=10"}, {"c1", "exp"}, {"c2", "exp"}]} |
global | filter_complex_script | This option is similar to filter_complex, the only difference is that its argument is the name of the file from which a complex filtergraph description is to be read. | Script :: file:filename_all() | {filter_complex_script, "filter.script"} |
global | allowed_extensions | List of file extensions that dash or hls is allowed to access. | Extensions :: string() | binary() | {allowed_extensions, "vtt,aac,ts,key"} |
input | input_position | Seeks in this input file to position. | position :: string() | binary() | {input_position, "00:01:02.123"} |
input | input_eof_position | Like the input_position option but relative to the "end of file". That is negative values are earlier in the file, 0 is at EOF. . | position :: string() | binary() | {input_eof_position, "-0:32:01.123"} |
input | input_format | Force input format. | Format :: string() | {input_format, "mp4"} |
input | input_duration | Limit the duration of data read from the input file. | position :: string() | binary() | {input_duration, "0:32:01.123"} |
input | decoder | Select a decoder for one or more streams. | [Stream :: string(), Codec :: string()] | {decoder, ["a", "pcm_s161e"]} |
input | itoffset | Set the input time offset. | position :: string() | binary() | {itoffset, "+12.345"} |
input | input_frame_rate | Set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation). | [Stream :: string(), FPS :: integer()] | FPS :: integer() | {input_frame_rate, 25} |
input | input_frame_size | Set frame size. | [Stream :: string(), Size :: integer()] | Size :: integer() | {input_frame_size, ["v", 1]} |
input | input_pixel_format | Set pixel format. | [Stream :: string(), Format :: string()] | Format :: string() | binary() | {input_pixel_format, "rgb24"} |
input | input_sws_flags | Set SwScaler flags. | Flags :: string() | binary() | {input_sws_flags, "gauss"} |
input | input_audio_frequency | Set the audio sampling frequency. | [Stream :: string(), Freq :: integer()] | Freq :: integer() | {input_audio_frequency, ["a:1", 22050]} |
input | input_audio_channels | Set the number of audio channels. | [Stream :: string(), Channels :: integer()] | Channels :: integer() | {input_audio_channels, 6} |
input | input_acodec | Set the audio codec. | Codec :: string() | binary() | {input_acodec, "pcm_s24le"} |
input | guess_layout_max | If some input channel layout is not known, try to guess only if it corresponds to at most the specified number of channels. | Channels :: integer() | {guess_layout_max, 2} |
input | input_vcodec | Set the video codec. | Codec :: string() | binary() | {input_vcodec, "libxvid"} |
input | input_scodec | Set the subtitle codec. | Codec :: string() | binary() | {input_scodec, "srt"} |
input | muxdelay | Set the maximum demux-decode delay. | Delay :: float() | integer() | {muxdelay, 0.1} |
input | muxpreload | Set the initial demux-decode delay. | Delay :: float() | integer() | {muxpreload, 0.1} |
input | accurate_seek | This option enables or disables accurate seeking in input files with the output_position option. | true | false | {accurate_seek, false} |
output | output_format | Force output format. | Format :: string() | {output_format, "mp4"} |
output | output_duration | Limit the duration of data read from the output file. | position :: string() | binary() | {output_duration, "0:32:01.123} |
output | output_position | Seeks in this output file to position. | position :: string() | binary() | {output_position, "00:01:02.123} |
output | output_eof_position | Like the output_position option but relative to the "end of file". That is negative values are earlier in the file, 0 is at EOF. . | position :: string() | binary() | {output_eof_position, "-0:32:01.123} |
output | encoder | Select a encoder for one or more streams. | [Stream :: string(), Codec :: string()] | Codec :: string() | {encoder, ["a", "pcm_s161e"]} |
output | bitrate | Set bitrate. | [Stream :: string(), Bitrate :: string()] | [Stream :: string(), Number :: integer(), Bitrate :: string()] | Bitrate :: string() | integer() | {bitrate, ["v", 0, "800k"]} |
output | timestamp | Set the recording timestamp in the container. | Date :: date() | |
output | target | Specify target file type (vcd, svcd, dvd, dv, dv50). type may be prefixed with pal-, ntsc- or film- to use the corresponding standard. | Target :: string() | {target, "vcd"} |
output | frames | Stop writing to the stream after framecount frames. | [Stream :: string(), Framecount :: integer()] | Framecount :: integer() | {frames, ["v", 1]} |
output | qscale | Use fixed quality scale (VBR). | [Stream :: string(), Quality :: integer()] | [Stream :: string(), Number :: integer(), Quality :: integer()] | Quality :: integer() | |
output | filter | Create the filtergraph specified by filtergraph and use it to filter the stream. | [Stream :: string(), Filtergraph :: string()] | |
output | filter_script | |||
output | pre | |||
output | vframes | |||
output | output_frame_rate | |||
output | output_frame_size | |||
output | aspect | |||
output | no_video_recording | |||
output | vcodec | |||
output | pass | |||
output | vlang | |||
output | video_filtergraph | |||
output | output_pixel_format | |||
output | output_sws_flags | |||
output | rc_override | |||
output | top | |||
output | force_key_frames | |||
output | copyinkf | |||
output | aframes | |||
output | output_audio_frequency | |||
output | audio_quality | |||
output | output_audio_channels | |||
output | no_audio_recording | |||
output | output_acodec | |||
output | sample_fmt | |||
output | audio_filtergraph | |||
output | output_scodec | |||
output | no_subtitle_recording | |||
output | map | |||
output | map_channel | |||
output | map_chapters | |||
output | vsync | |||
output | async | |||
output | copytb | |||
output | shortest | |||
output | dts_delta_threshold | |||
output | streamid | |||
output | bitstream_filters | |||
output | timecode | |||
output | strict | |||
output | metadata | |||
output | disable_video | |||
output | disable_audio | |||
output | disable_subtitle | |||
output | x264_profile | |||
output | x264_level | |||
output | x264_refs | |||
output | start_number | |||
output | hls_list_size | |||
output | hls_key_info_file | |||
output | hls_key_info | [{key_uri, string()}, {enc_key, string() | file:filename_all()}, {iv, string()}] | ||
output | hls_playlist_type | |||
output | hls_segment_filename | |||
output | hls_time |
To generate video thumbnails, VICE use ImageMagick ® and FFmpeg. If you want to optimize output images, you must add image_optimizer in your project dependencies and install pngquand or OptiPNG.
Type | Name | Description | Value | Example |
global | every | Generate a thumbnail _every_ seconds. | integer() | {every, 6} |
global | width | Thumbnail image width. | integer() | {width, 100} |
global | out_path | Output path. | string() | binary() | {out_path, "my_folder"} |
global | assets_path | Assets path. | string() | binary() | {assets_path, ""} |
global | sprite | Generate a single image. | true | false | {sprite, true} |
For audio conversion, VICE use SoX.
Type | Name | Description | Value | Example |
global | buffer or input_buffer | Set the size in bytes of the buffers used for processing audio (default 8192). | Bytes :: integer() | {buffer, 20000} |
global | clobber | Don’t prompt before overwriting an existing file with the same name as that given for the output file. | true | false | {clobber, false} |
global | combine | Select the input file combining method. | concatenate | merge | mix | 'mix−power' | multiply | sequence | {combine, concatenate} |
global | no_dither | Disable automatic dither. | true | false | {no_dither, true} |
global | effects_file | Use File to obtain all effects and their arguments. | File :: file:filename_all() | {effects_file, ""} |
global | guard | Automatically invoke the gain effect to guard against clipping. | true | false | {guard, true} |
global | magic | If SoX has been built with the optional libmagic library then this option can be given to enable its use in helping to detect audio file types. | true | false | {magic, true} |
global | multi_threaded | By default, SoX is single threaded. If the multi_threaded option is given however then SoX will process audio channels for most multi-channel effects in parallel on hyper-threading/multi-core architectures. | true | false | {multi_threaded, true} |
global | single_threaded | Opposite of the multi_threaded option. | true | false | {single_threaded, true} |
global | norm | Automatically invoke the gain effect to guard against clipping and to normalise the audio. | DBLevel :: integer() | true | {norm, true} |
global | play_rate_arg | Selects a quality option to be used when the rate effect is automatically invoked whilst playing audio. | Arg :: string() | |
global | plot | If not set to off (the default if plot is not given), run in a mode that can be used, in conjunction with the gnuplot program or the GNU Octave program, to assist with the selection and configuration of many of the transfer-function based effects. | gnuplot | octave | off | {plot, gnuplot} |
global | repeatable | VICE will embed a fixed time-stamp in the output file (e.g. AIFF) and will seed pseudo random number generators (e.g. dither) with a fixed number, thus ensuring that successive SoX invocations with the same inputs and the same parameters yield the same output. | true | false | {repeatable, true} |
global | replay_gain | Select whether or not to apply replay-gain adjustment to input files. | track | album | off | {replay_gain, track} |
global | temp | Specify that any temporary files should be created in the given Directory. | Directory :: string() | {temp, "/home/vice/tmp"} |
input | ignore_length | Override an (incorrect) audio length given in an audio file’s header. | true | false | {ignore_length, true} |
input | volume | Intended for use when combining multiple input files, this option adjusts the volume of the file that follows it on the command line by a factor of Factor. | {volume, Factor :: float()} | {volume, 0.8} |
input | input_bits | The number of bits (a.k.a. bit-depth or sometimes word-length) in each encoded sample. | Bytes :: integer() | {input_bits, 8} |
input | input_channels | The number of audio channels in the audio file. | Channels :: integer() | {input_channels, 2}} |
input | input_encoding | The audio encoding type. | Encoding :: string() | {input_encoding, "float"} |
input | input_rate | Gives the sample rate in Hz of the file. | Rate :: integer() | {input_rate, 48720} |
input | input_rate_k | Gives the sample rate in kHz of the file. | KRate :: integer() | {input_rate_k, 48} |
input | input_type | Gives the type of the audio file. | Filetype :: string() | {input_type, "mp3"} |
input | input_endian | Specify the byte-order of the audio data. | little | bug | swap | {input_endian, little} |
input | input_reverse_nibbles | Specifies that the nibble ordering (i.e. the 2 halves of a byte) of the samples should be reversed. | true | false | {input_reverse_nibbles, true} |
input | input_reverse_bits | Specifies that the bit ordering of the samples should be reversed. | true | false | {input_reverse_bits, true} |
output | output_encoding | The audio encoding type. | Encoding :: string() | {output_encoding, "float"} |
output | output_bits | The number of bits (a.k.a. bit-depth or sometimes word-length) in each encoded sample. | Bytes :: integer() | {output_bits, 8} |
output | output_channels | The number of audio channels in the audio file. | Channels :: integer() | {output_channels, 2}} |
output | output_rate | Gives the sample rate in Hz of the file. | Rate :: integer() | {output_rate, 48720} |
output | output_rate_k | Gives the sample rate in kHz of the file. | KRate :: integer() | {output_rate_k, 48} |
output | output_type | Gives the type of the audio file. | Filetype :: string() | {output_type, "mp3"} |
output | output_endian | Specify the byte-order of the audio data. | little | bug | swap | {output_endian, little} |
output | output_reverse_nibbles | Specifies that the nibble ordering (i.e. the 2 halves of a byte) of the samples should be reversed. | true | false | {output_reverse_nibbles, true} |
output | output_reverse_bits | Specifies that the bit ordering of the samples should be reversed. | true | false | {output_reverse_bits, true} |
output | add_comment | Append a comment in the output file header (where applicable). | Text :: string() | {add_comment, "Encoded by VICE"} |
output | comment | Specify the comment text to store in the output file header (where applicable). | Text :: string() | {comment, "Encoded by VICE"} |
output | comment_file | Specify a file containing the comment text to store in the output file header (where applicable). | File :: file:filename_all() | {comment_file, "/home/vice/comment.txt"} |
output | compression | The compression factor for variably compressing output file formats. | Factor :: integer() | {compression, 2} |
effects | effects | Audio effects to invoke (see Effects). | Effects :: string() | {effects, "chorus 0.7 0.9 55 0.4 0.25 2"} |
For image conversion, VICE use ImageMagick ® .
Type | Name | Description | Value | Example |
convert | resize | Resize image | {resize, P :: integer(), percent | pixel} | {resize, W :: integer(), H :: integer()} | {resize, W :: integer(), H :: integer(), percent | ignore_ration | no_enlarge | no_shrink | fill} | {resize, 50, percent} |
convert | thumbnail | Create a thumbnail of the image. This is similar to resize, except it is optimized for speed and any image profile, other than a color profile, is removed to reduce the thumbnail size. | {thumbnail, P :: integer(), percent | pixel} | {thumbnail, W :: integer(), H :: integer()} | {thumbnail, W :: integer(), H :: integer(), percent | ignore_ration | no_enlarge | no_shrink | fill} | {thumbnail, 100, 100, no_enlarge} |
convert | quality | |||
convert | crop | Cut out a rectangular region of the image. | {crop, W :: integer(), H :: integer(), X :: integer(), Y :: integer()} | {crop, W :: integer(), H :: integer()} | {crop, 100, 80, 20, 30} |
convert | gravity | Sets the current gravity suggestion for various other settings and options. Choices include: NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast | {gravity, Gravity :: string()} | {gravity, "SouthEast"} |
convert | repage or '+repage' | Adjust the canvas and offset information of the image | - | repage |
convert | flip | Create a mirror image | - | flip |
convert | trim | Trim an image | - | trim |
convert | magnify | Double the size of the image with pixel art scaling | - | magnify |
convert | rotation | Apply Paeth image rotation (using shear operations) to the image | {rotation, Degrees :: integer()} | {rotation, 90} |
convert | 'auto-orient' | Adjusts an image so that its orientation is suitable for viewing | - | 'auto-orient' |
convert | strip | Strip the image of any profiles, comments or these PNG chunks: bKGD,cHRM,EXIF,gAMA,iCCP,iTXt,sRGB,tEXt,zCCP,zTXt,date. | - | strip |
convert | blur | Reduce image noise and reduce detail levels | {blur, Radius :: integer()} | {blur, Radius :: integer(), Sigma :: integer()} | {blur, 0, 8} |
convert | edge | Detect edges within an image | {edge, Radius :: integer()} | {edge 3} |
convert | size | Set the width and height of the image | {size, Width} | {size, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer()} | {size, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer(), Offset :: integer()} | {size, 192, 128} |
convert | extent | Set the image size and offset | {extent, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer()} | {extent, 384, 256} |
mogrify | geometry | Set the preferred size and location of the image. | {geometry, Scale :: integer(), percent} | {geometry, Area :: integer(), pixels} | {geometry, ScaleX :: integer(), ScaleY :: integer(), percent} | {geometry, Width :: integer()} | {geometry, Width :: integer(), undefined} | {geometry, undefined, Height :: integer()} | {geometry, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer()} | {geometry, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer(), ignore_ration | no_enlarge | no_shrink | fill} | {geometry, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer(), X :: integer(), Y :: integer()} | {geometry, 325, 192, 10, 10} |
montage | geometry | Set the preferred size and location of the image. | {geometry, Scale :: integer(), percent} | {geometry, Area :: integer(), pixels} | {geometry, ScaleX :: integer(), ScaleY :: integer(), percent} | {geometry, Width :: integer()} | {geometry, Width :: integer(), undefined} | {geometry, undefined, Height :: integer()} | {geometry, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer()} | {geometry, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer(), ignore_ration | no_enlarge | no_shrink | fill} | {geometry, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer(), X :: integer(), Y :: integer()} | {geometry, 10, percent} |
montage | tile | Specify the layout of images. | {tile, Scale :: integer(), percent} | {tile, Area :: integer(), pixels} | {tile, ScaleX :: integer(), ScaleY :: integer(), percent} | {tile, Width :: integer()} | {tile, Width :: integer(), undefined} | {tile, undefined, Height :: integer()} | {tile, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer()} | {tile, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer(), ignore_ration | no_enlarge | no_shrink | fill} | {tile, Width :: integer(), Height :: integer(), X :: integer(), Y :: integer()} | {tile, 234, 186, ignore_ration} |
VICE is available for use under the following license, commonly known as the 3-clause (or "modified") BSD license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Grégoire Lejeune
Copyright (c) 2016 BotsUnit
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 G-Corp
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
vice |
vice_encoder |
vice_subtitles |
vice_thumbnails |
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Gregoire Lejeune 💻 🎨 📖 | Augustin G 💻 | P 💻 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!