This bundle is adaptation of awesome BCCCronManagerBundle for Akeneo. This version provides some quality improvements and UI compatible with Akeneo.
FOACronBundle | Akeneo PIM Edition |
v1.0.* | v1.5.* |
v1.1.* | v1.6.* |
- Install bundle using Composer:
composer require friendsofakeneo/cron-bundle
- Enable the bundle in
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new FOA\CronBundle\FOACronBundle(),
- Register bundle routes in
resource: '@FOACronBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml'
prefix: /cron-manager
- Configure access for users who can manage cron tasks in 'System->Users Management->Roles'
Now cron management should be available by 'System->Cron Management'.
- Update UI to be more beauty and understandable;