Changes between FreeRTOS V10.4.4 and FreeRTOS V10.4.5 released September 10 2021
+ Introduce configRUN_TIME_COUNTER_TYPE which enables developers to define
the type used to hold run time statistic counters. Defaults to uint32_t
for backward compatibility. #define configRUN_TIME_COUNTER_TYPE to a type
(for example, uint64_t) in FreeRTOSConfig.h to override the default.
+ Introduce ulTaskGetIdleRunTimePercent() to complement the pre-existing
ulTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter(). Whereas the pre-existing function returns
the raw run time counter value, the new function returns the percentage of
the entire run time consumed by the idle task. Note the amount of idle
time is only a good measure of the slack time in a system if there are no
other tasks executing at the idle priority, tickless idle is not used, and
configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD is set to 0.
+ ARMv8-M secure-side port: Tasks that call secure functions from the
non-secure side of an ARMv8-M MCU (ARM Cortex-M23 and Cortex-M33) have two
contexts – one on the non-secure side and one on the secure-side. Previous
versions of the FreeRTOS ARMv8-M secure-side ports allocated the structures
that reference secure-side contexts at run time. Now the structures are
allocated statically at compile time. The change necessitates the
introduction of the secureconfigMAX_SECURE_CONTEXTS configuration constant,
which sets the number of statically allocated secure contexts.
secureconfigMAX_SECURE_CONTEXTS defaults to 8 if left undefined.
Applications that only use FreeRTOS code on the non-secure side, such as
those running third-party code on the secure side, are not affected by
this change.