A job board specifically designed for ESL teachers and recruiters in Korea.
Providing transparency in a niche market riddled with labor issues!
Current Live version (2024): https://fredy.ninja/job_board
Create a new directory and navigate into it.
Use git clone to clone the repository into the newly created directory.
git clone https://github.com/FredericGariepy/TinyGreen/.git
Go into the the TinyGreen directory
cd TinyGreen
Inside TinyGreen, create and activate a Python virtual environment named "venv".
On macOS and Linux:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Note: this may be neccesary on your machine, the ExecutionPolicy will reset after you close the window
python -m venv venv
You will install the required packages using the pip package manager inside your virtual environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use python to create a local SQLite database to interact with the project locally
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "Initial migration"
flask db upgrade
IF for some reason you do not want to be inside the python venv anymore, Do the following:
- Otherwise, simply continue to step 6.
from run import app, db
with app.app_context():
Press Enter, then type exit()
and press Enter again to exit the Python interpreter.
Navigate into the "tinyGreen" project file folder and create the myconfig.py file..
cd tinyGreeen
touch myconfig.py
On Windows:
type nul > myconfig.py
Copy & Paste into the myconfig.py file:
# myconfig.py
# Secret key for Flask session
secretkey = 'examplesecretkey123'
# Secret salt for Flask session
secretsalt = 'examplesalt123'
# Secret email username
secretemailusr = '[email protected]'
# Secret email password
secretemailpsw = 'exampleemailpassword123'
# Secret email server
secretemailserver = 'examplemailserver123'
# Secret email port
secretmailport = 587
# Secret database URI
secretdburi = 'sqlite:///tinyGreen.db'
save & exit
7. Run the project and open Browser with URL
You will finally run the project locally and access it through your browser!
flask run
IF for some reason you left the python venv, Do the following:
- Otherwise, simply continue.
python run.py
In a browser, paste into URL: