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Zoltan Tarcsay edited this page Dec 2, 2016 · 14 revisions



BasicAuthShield ⇐ Shield

Kind: global class
Extends: Shield

new BasicAuthShield([options])

Shield implementation for enforcing a basic auth header. The credentials in the Authorization will be sent to OpenAM. No session will be created.

Param Type Default Description
[options] object Options
[options.realm] string "/" Name of the realm in OpenAM to which the suer should be authenticated
[options.service] string Name of the service (i.e. chain) used for authentication
[options.module] string Name of the module used for authentication (overrides {service})

basicAuthShield.evaluate(request, response, agent) ⇒ Promise.<{id: string, data: *}>

Main shield logic; override this method. Calls fail() or success().

Kind: instance method of BasicAuthShield
Overrides: evaluate

Param Type Description
request http~IncomingMessage Request
response http~ServerResponse Response
agent PolicyAgent Agent instance

CookieShield ⇐ Shield

Kind: global class
Extends: Shield

new CookieShield([options])

Shield implementation for validating session cookies. This shield checks if the request contains a session cookie and validates it against OpenAM. The session is cached if notifications are enabled, otherwise it's re-validated for every request.

Param Type Default Description
[options] object Options
[options.noRedirect] boolean false If true, the agent will not redirect to OpenAM's login page for authentication, only return a 401 response
[options.getProfiles] boolean false If true, the agent will fetch and cache the user's profile when validating the session
[options.passThrough] boolean false If true, the shield will not enforce valid sessions. This is useful in conjunction with {getProfiles:true} when a route is public but you want fetch identity information for any logged in users.
[options.cdsso] boolean false Enable CDSSO mode (you must also mount the agent.cdsso() middleware to your application)

cookieShield.evaluate(request, response, agent) ⇒ Promise.<{id: string, data: *}>

This is the main shield logic. The request is checked for a valid session ID.

Kind: instance method of CookieShield
Overrides: evaluate

Param Type Description
request http~IncomingMessage Request
response http~ServerResponse Response
agent PolicyAgent Agent instance

OAuth2Shield ⇐ Shield

Kind: global class
Extends: Shield

new OAuth2Shield([realm])

Shield implementation for enforcing Oauth2 access_tokens. This Shield implementation validates an OAuth2 access_token issued by OpenAM, using OpenAM's /oauth2/tokeninfo service. The access_token must be sent in an Authorization header.

Param Type Default
[realm] string "/"


curl -H 'Authorization Bearer 2dcaac7a-8ce1-4e62-8b3a-0d0b9949cc98'

oAuth2Shield.evaluate(request, response, agent) ⇒ Promise.<{id: string, data: *}>

Main shield logic; override this method. Calls fail() or success().

Kind: instance method of OAuth2Shield
Overrides: evaluate

Param Type Description
request http~IncomingMessage Request
response http~ServerResponse Response
agent PolicyAgent Agent instance

PolicyShield ⇐ Shield

Kind: global class
Extends: Shield

new PolicyShield([applicationName])

Shield implementation for enforcing policy decisions. This shield fetches policy decisions from OpenAM for the requested path, specified application name and current user. It requires a valid session cookie. Typically used in a chain with CookieShield

Param Type Default Description
[applicationName] string "iPlanetAMWebAgentService" Name of the entitlement application in OpenAM


var agent = openamAgent(options),
    cookieShield = openamAgent.policyShield('myApp');

app.use('/some/protected/route', agent.shield(policyShield), function (req, res, next) {
   // your route handler code here

policyShield.evaluate(request, response, agent) ⇒ Promise.<{id: string, data: *}>

Main shield logic; override this method. Calls fail() or success().

Kind: instance method of PolicyShield
Overrides: evaluate

Param Type Description
request http~IncomingMessage Request
response http~ServerResponse Response
agent PolicyAgent Agent instance


Kind: global abstract class

shield.evaluate(req, res, agent) ⇒ Promise.<{id: string, data: *}>

Main shield logic; override this method. Calls fail() or success().

Kind: instance abstract method of Shield

Param Type Description
req http~IncomingMessage HTTP request
res http~ServerResponse HTTP response
agent PolicyAgent Agent instance


Kind: global class

new ShieldEvaluationError(statusCode, message, [stack])

Param Type Description
statusCode number Status code
message string Error message
[stack] string Error description or stack trace