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Zoltan Tarcsay edited this page Dec 2, 2016 · 10 revisions


Kind: global class
Mixes: {events~EventEmitter}

new PolicyAgent(options)

Param Type Default Description
options object
options.serverUrl string The deployment URI of the OpenAM server, e.g.
options.username string Agent username (needed for certain operations, e.g. policy decision requests)
options.password string Agent password (needed for certain operations, e.g. policy decision requests)
options.realm string "/" Agent realm (needed for certain operations, e.g. policy decision requests)
[options.appUrl] string The root URL of the application, e.g. (required for notifications)
options.errorPage function Callback function; If present, the function's return value will be sent as an error page, otherwise the default error template will be used. The function will be called with a context object as the argument.
[options.logger] winston~Logger new Logger() A winstonjs logger instance. If undefined, a new Console logger is created.
[options.logLevel] string "error" logging level: see winston's documentation; only used when logger is undefined.
[options.sessionCache] Cache Custom session cache object (if undefined, a SimpleCache instance will be created with an expiry time of 5 minutes)
[options.openAMClient] OpenAMClient | * new OpenAMClient() Custom OpenAMClient object (mostly for testing purposes)


var express = require('express'),
    openamAgent = require('openam-agent')
    MemcachedCache = require('openam-agent-cache-memcached'),
    PolicyAgent = openamAgent.PolicyAgent,
    CookieShield = openamAgent.CookieShield;

var config = {
   serverUrl: '',
   appUrl: '',
   notificationRoute: '/',
   notificationsEnabled: true,
   username: 'my-agent',
   password: 'changeit',
   realm: '/',
   logLevel: 'info',
   cache: new MemcachedCache({url: 'localhost:11211', expiresAfterSeconds: 600}),
   errorPage: function (status, message, details) {
       return '<html><body><h1>' + status + ' - '  + message + '</h1></body></html>'

var agent = new PolicyAgent(config);
var app = express();

app.use(agent.shield(new CookieShield()));
app.use('/foo/bar/baz', agent.notifications);


policyAgent.options : object

Config options

Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent : string

Short random ID that lets you differentiate agents in logs, etc.

Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.paths : object

Built in routes (cdsso, notifications)

Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.openAMClient : * | OpenAMClient

OpenAM client used by the agent and its shields

Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.logger : winston~Logger | *


Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.sessionCache : * | SimpleCache

Session cache

Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.serverInfo : Promise

Empty Promise (Server info is loaded when init() is called)

Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.agentSession : Promise

The agent's own OpenAM session. It will only get created when it is needed by some request.

Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.errorTemplate : function

Compiled Handlebars error page template

Kind: instance property of PolicyAgent


Initializes the agent (gets server info)

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.reRequest(reqFn, attempts, [name]) ⇒ Promise

Runs a request-promise type function several times if it fails with a 401 status code; creates a new agent session before sending the request again

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
reqFn function Function that returns a Promise
attempts number Number of attempts to retry the function; default: 0 (no retries)
[name] string Name

policyAgent.authenticateAgent() ⇒ Promise

Authenticates the policy agent using the credentials in the config object.

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

policyAgent.validateSession(sessionId) ⇒ Promise

Validates a given sessionId against OpenAM and adds a session listener if valid.

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
sessionId string The client's OpenAM session ID

policyAgent.setSessionCookie(res, sessionId)

Sets the session cookie on the response

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
res http~ServerResponse Express Response
sessionId string OpenAM Session ID

policyAgent.getSessionIdFromRequest(req) ⇒ Promise

Gets the session ID from the session cookie in the request

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent
Returns: Promise - Session ID

Param Type Description
req http~IncomingMessage Express Request

policyAgent.getUserProfile(userId, realm, sessionId) ⇒ Promise

Fetches the user profile for a given username (uid) and saves it to the sessionCache.

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
userId string The user's uid
realm string The user's realm
sessionId string The user's session ID

policyAgent.getPolicyDecision(params) ⇒ Promise

Gets policy decisions from OpenAM for the req.originalUrl resource and the application name specified in the agent config (req must be an instance of IncomingRequest).

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
params object OpenAM policy request params object

policyAgent.registerSessionListener(sessionId) ⇒ Promise

Constructs a RequestSet document containing a AddSessionListener node for sessionId, and sends it to the SessionService.

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
sessionId string The user's session ID

policyAgent.shield(shield) ⇒ function

Initializes the shield and returns an express middleware function that evaluates the shield.

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
shield Shield Shield implementation


var agent = new PolicyAgent(config);
var cookieShield = new CookieShield({getProfiles: true});

// Express
var app = express();

// Vanilla Node.js
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
     var middleware = agent.shield(shield);

     if (req.url.match(/some\/path$/) {
         middleware(req, res, function () {
             res.write('Hello ' +;

policyAgent.cdsso([path]) ⇒ expess~Router

Expressjs Router factory which handles CDSSO (parses the LARES data and sets the session cookie)

Note that in order for CDSSO to work, you must have the following:

  • An agent profile in OpenAM of type "WebAgent" with all alternative app URLs listed in the "Agent Root URL for CDSSO" (agentRootURL) property
  • The cdsso middleware mounted to the express application
  • A CookieShield mounted to a path with the cdsso option set to true

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent
Returns: expess~Router - Express middleware

Param Type Default Description
[path] string "/agent/cdsso" The path of the CDSSO endpoint


var openamAgent = require('openam-agent'),
    agent = new openamAgent.PolicyAgent({...}),
    app = require('express')();

app.get('/', new openamAgent.CookieShield(cdsso: true));

policyAgent.getSessionIdFromLARES(lares) ⇒ Promise

Parses the LARES response (CDSSO Assertion) and returns the Session ID if valid

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent
Returns: Promise - Session ID

Param Type Description
lares string LARES form parameter

policyAgent.getLoginUrl(req) ⇒ string

Returns a regular login URL

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
req http~IncomingMessage Request

policyAgent.getCDSSOUrl(req) ⇒ string

Returns a CDSSO login URL

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Description
req http~IncomingMessage Request


Parses notifications in a notification set and emits a 'session' event for each. CookieShield instances listen on this event to delete any destroyed cookies from the agent's session cache.

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent
Emits: event:session

Param Type Description
notificationSet object OpenAM notification set (parsed XML document)

policyAgent.notifications([path]) ⇒ express~Router

A express router factory for the notification receiver endpoint. It can be used as a middleware for your express application. It adds a single route: /agent/notifications which can be used to receive notifications from OpenAM. When a notification is received, its contents will be parsed and handled by one of the handler functions.

Kind: instance method of PolicyAgent

Param Type Default Description
[path] string "/agent/notifications" The path of the notification endpoint


var app = require('express')(),
    agent = require('openam-agent').policyAgent(options);

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