In this project, we use multiple landfire products to estimate the area of western US forests that are "cold and wet" with pre-Euro American fire regimes that were long-interval and stand replacing and that have departed little from Pre-Euro American composition and forest structure. The workflow for the analysis is as follows:
- We first use the EVT 2022 layer to filter to cells dominated by deciduous/evergreen/mixed vegetation and is dominated by Trees
- We then use 2020 BPS layer to filter the forest cells in fire regime group (4A, 4B, 5A, or 5B) and fire return interval is longer than 80 years and % SR is at least 80%. We include: Group IV-A Percent replacement fire greater than 80%, fire return interval 36-100 years Group IV-B Percent replacement fire greater than 66.7%, fire return interval 101-200 years Group V-A Any severity, fire return interval 201-500 years Group V-B Any severity, fire return interval 501 or more years We further filter to areas where fire return interval was 80 years or great.
- Then we use the 2022 Vegetation condition class layer to find the remaining cells that are group 1 or 2, which are both low to moderate departure (vegetation departure of less than 66%). The Vegetation Condition Class (VCC) data layer categorizes departure between current vegetation conditions and reference vegetation conditions similar to the methods outlined in the Interagency Fire Regime Condition Class Guidebook.