The Folding@home viewer allows you to visualize protein folding simulations and monitor the status of the simulation work units as they run on your computer. Installing and running the viewer is not necessary to run Folding@home.
For more information see:
To build FAHViewer from source you must first build C!. This section outlines the recommended procedure.
If you don't already have them install both Git and SCons:
Or in Debian Linux:
sudo apt-get install scons git
First create a build directory then get all the source repositories from GitHub:
mkdir build
cd build
git clone
git clone
git clone
You will need the freetype
and freeglut
sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev freeglut3-dev pkg-config
Fetch the pre-compiled freetype
binaries for Windows from GitHub:
git clone
Download the pre-compiled freeglut
binaries from
Extract mingw-w64-x86_64-freeglut-3.2.1-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
and rename the
resulting mingw64
folder to freeglut
Finally, rename the freeglut
libraries from the MinGW convention to the MSVC
convention, so that SCons will find them:
- Rename
- Rename
In the build directory setup some environment variables which will allow the build systems to find each other.
In Windows:
set BUILD_ROOT=%HOMEPATH%\path\to\build
set FAH_CLIENT_VERSION_HOME=%BUILD_ROOT%\fah-client-version
set FREETYPE2_INCLUDE=%BUILD_ROOT%\freetype-windows-binaries\include
set FREETYPE2_LIBPATH=%BUILD_ROOT%\freetype-windows-binaries\win64
set GLUT_INCLUDE=%BUILD_ROOT%\freeglut\include
set GLUT_LIBPATH=%BUILD_ROOT%\freeglut\lib
Replace %HOMEPATH%\path\to\build with the correct path.
In Linux or OS-X:
export FAH_CLIENT_VERSION_HOME=$BUILD_ROOT/fah-client-version
export FAH_VIEWER_HOME=$BUILD_ROOT/fah-viewer
Replace $HOME/path/to/build with the correct path.
It is often convenient to put these variables in a env file, or env.bat for Windows. Then you can reload the environment at any time with:
In Windows:
In Linux or OS-X:
source ./env
See the link below for instructions:
Note that you do not require all the modules and dependencies from C! to build FAHViewer. The following C! build options should work:
scons with_openssl=no disable_local=libevent
Once you've got the code, setup your environment and built C!:
If all goes well this will produce FAHViewer (or FAHViewer.exe in Windows) in $FAH_VIEWER_HOME.
To build in debug mode add debug=1 optimze=0
to all of the scons commands.
To build a package for your system you can run:
scons -C $FAH_VIEWER_HOME package
If you encounter errors during the build process you can try bulding in
non-strict mode by adding strict=0
to the scons commands. This tells
the build system to not treat compile warnings as errors.
If a build fails, SCons will usually create a file called config.log. If you look towards the end of the file you can often see exactly what failed. When reporting build problems it is a good idea to include this file in the report.
C! targets 32-bit Windows by default. You can confirm by checking the start of
the C! compiler output for the following lines (specifically the Arch
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Compiler: cl (msvc)
Platform: win32
Mode: msvc
Arch: x86
To override Arch
, set the following environment variable:
set TARGET_ARCH=amd64
and then recompile C!.
Sometimes SCons get's messed up. This can happen if it is interrupted during the configuration process. You can delete SCons' data and start again with the following commands:
In Windows:
rd /S /Q .sconf_temp
del .sconsign.dblite
In Linux or OS-X:
rm -rf .scons*
Then try your build again.