Folder: CPP_implementation
cd to CPP_implemetation
create the folder "build/"
// Under VO/CPP_implementation mkdir build
cd to build folder created in 2
prepare the makefile related files
// Under VO/CPP_implementation/build cmake ..
Generate the execution file
// Under VO/CPP_implementation/build make
Run the simulation of the hardware-ORB argorithm
// Under VO/CPP_implementation/build ./MYORB ../testfile/360_1.png ../testfile/360_2.png ../testfile/depth_1.png ../testfile/depth_2.png
After 5, the generated input data and output data (golden) would be in "CPP_implemetation/result"
Copy all files generated from software ("CPP_implemetation/result") into testfile folder.
// Under VO mkdir Hardware_implementation/testfile // if the folder hasn't been created yet cp CPP_implementation/result/* Hardware_implementation/testfile/
cd into Hardware_implemetation/src
Run the simulation. The testbench would compare the output with the golden file provided and print the compared results.
// Under VO/Hardware_implementation/src ./run_check