We will use the FlowtyTestNFT contract as an example, you should replace it with your project smart contract
Flow CLI installed into your computer https://developers.flow.com/tools/flow-cli/install
Crescendo Flow CLI installed into your computer https://cadence-lang.org/docs/cadence-migration-guide#install-cadence-10-cli
Open the terminal and run the command:
flow accounts create
Enter the account name, for example: testnet-account
Select testnet network
At the end you will see that a new account has been added to your flow.json file
- Open the flow.json file and inside the deployments object add:
"testnet": {
"your-testnet-account-name-here": [ "FlowtyTestNFT" ]
- Run the command to deploy the contract on the testnet network using your new testnet account
flow project deploy -n=testnet
Inside the flow.json file, update the testnet contract address present inside the contracts > FlowtyTestNFT > aliases > testing object, using the new testnet account address where you deployed you FlowtyTestNFT contract version
- Current alises.testing value:
- To the new testnet wallet address that you created on previous step
- Current alises.testing value:
Inside the flow.json file, update the FlowtyTestNFT source, to use the crescendo update FlowtyTestNFT version, to it you will need to replace the:
- Current source:
- To the one using cadence 1.0 contract version:
- Current source:
With the updated paths in the flow.json file you can now run the command that will perform the migration to the updated contract:
flow-c1 migrate stage FlowtyTestNFT --network=testnet