The purpose of this repository is to act as a store of any scripts relevent to the internal QAQC process within SEACAR. Many scripts contain the variable "seacar_data_location" which points to the location where SEACAR combined tables can be found. Must be set by the user.
- Script intended to highlighted differences in structure between Combined export tables
- Generates LaTeX-based .PDF reports outlining differences
- Currently highlights differences between exports for the following:
- number of records (data entries)
- number of programs
- number of columns
- Loops through the data location (specified using the variable seacar_data_location) and looks for relevant Continuous combined tables
- Applies thresholds as specified in the Ref_WQ_Include sheet of SEACAR_DatExportFile_Metadata (hard-coded, future solutions can include updating via Metadata file directly)
- Stores the results that fall above or below the given threshold for each parameter, listing them in table format in threshold_data_combined
- Summary results are viewed using
- Unique SEACAR_QAQCFlagCode values are provided to see which QAQCFlagCodes are being applied by the database
- Assuming the thresholds and their respective QAQCFlagCodes are being applied correctly on the database side, threshold_data_combined should return 0 results, and group_df will return an error upon compiling
- unzip.R can be used to unzip the Combined Export Table files
- Script should be placed into the folder where your most recent files have been downloaded
- downloaddate variable should be set to the date listed in the .zip files using the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
- folder_name variable is set to determine where unzipped files should be placed. Default is "SEACARdata"
- .zip files are removed upon completion. Comment out lines 25 and 29 to keep .zip files
- Generates a .xlsx file that records which parameters are included in Combined Export Tables and records the number of records and the data file used.
- Generates a .csv file outlining each Habitat and CommonIdentifier, SpeciesGroup1, SpeciesGroup2 combinations available in latest combined table exports.
- Requires the latest SEACAR_Metdata.xlsx file as an input to verify correct implementation of Mthd_SpeciesCrosswalk tab in latest exports.
column (TRUE or FALSE) is created to confirm correct implementation. If all values are TRUE, the species crosswalk has been implemented correctly.
Walks through the program list on the DDI and compiles a list of the "suggested citation" text from them.
Converts each citation to "Better BibLaTeX" format and saves it as a .bib file that can be imported into reference management software (e.g., for the SEACAR Zotero library).