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Zippo-Wang committed Oct 27, 2023
1 parent 46454a2 commit d579728
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Showing 3 changed files with 229 additions and 4 deletions.
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions docs/resources/
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
subcategory: "Data Lake Insight (DLI)"

# flexibleengine_dli_template_flink

Manages a DLI Flink template resource within FlexibleEngine.

## Example Usage

variable "sql" {}
resource "flexibleengine_dli_template_flink" "test" {
name = "demo"
type = "flink_sql_job"
sql = var.sql
description = "This is a demo"
tags = {
foo = "bar"
key = "value"

## Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

* `region` - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the region in which to create the resource.
If omitted, the provider-level region will be used. Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

* `name` - (Required, String) The name of the flink template.

* `sql` - (Optional, String) The statement of the flink template.

* `description` - (Optional, String) The description of the flink template.

* `type` - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The type of the flink template.
Valid values are **flink_sql_job** and **flink_opensource_sql_job**.
Defaults to **flink_sql_job**.

Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

* `tags` - (Optional, Map, ForceNew) The key/value pairs to associate with the flink template.

Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

## Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* `id` - The resource ID.

## Import

The flink template can be imported using the `id`, e.g.

terraform import flexibleengine_dli_template_flink.test 1231

Note that the imported state may not be identical to your resource definition, due to some attributes missing from the
API response, security or some other reason. The missing attributes include:
It is generally recommended running `terraform plan` after importing a resource.
You can then decide if changes should be applied to the resource, or the resource definition should be updated to align
with the resource. Also, you can ignore changes as below.

resource "flexibleengine_dli_template_flink" "test" {

lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
package acceptance

import (




func getFlinkTemplateResourceFunc(cfg *config.Config, state *terraform.ResourceState) (interface{}, error) {
region := OS_REGION_NAME
// getFlinkTemplate: Query the Flink template.
var (
getFlinkTemplateHttpUrl = "v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/job-templates"
getFlinkTemplateProduct = "dli"
getFlinkTemplateClient, err := cfg.NewServiceClient(getFlinkTemplateProduct, region)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating DLI Client: %s", err)

getFlinkTemplatePath := getFlinkTemplateClient.Endpoint + getFlinkTemplateHttpUrl
getFlinkTemplatePath = strings.ReplaceAll(getFlinkTemplatePath, "{project_id}", getFlinkTemplateClient.ProjectID)

if v, ok := state.Primary.Attributes["name"]; ok {
getFlinkTemplatePath += fmt.Sprintf("?limit=100&name=%s", v)

getFlinkTemplateOpt := golangsdk.RequestOpts{
KeepResponseBody: true,
OkCodes: []int{
getFlinkTemplateResp, err := getFlinkTemplateClient.Request("GET", getFlinkTemplatePath, &getFlinkTemplateOpt)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving FlinkTemplate: %s", err)

getFlinkTemplateRespBody, err := utils.FlattenResponse(getFlinkTemplateResp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving Flink template: %s", err)

jsonPath := fmt.Sprintf("template_list.templates[?template_id==`%s`]|[0]", state.Primary.ID)
template := utils.PathSearch(jsonPath, getFlinkTemplateRespBody, nil)
if template == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no data found")
return template, nil

func TestAccFlinkTemplate_basic(t *testing.T) {
var obj interface{}

name := acceptance.RandomAccResourceName()
rName := "flexibleengine_dli_template_flink.test"

rc := acceptance.InitResourceCheck(

resource.ParallelTest(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
ProviderFactories: TestAccProviderFactories,
CheckDestroy: rc.CheckResourceDestroy(),
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testFlinkTemplate_basic(name),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "name", name),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "sql", "select * from source_table"),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "description", "This is a demo"),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "type", "flink_sql_job"),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "", "bar"),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "tags.key", "value"),
Config: testFlinkTemplate_basic_update(name),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "name", name),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "sql", "select * from source_table2"),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "description", "This is a demo2"),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "type", "flink_sql_job"),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "", "bar"),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(rName, "tags.key", "value2"),
ResourceName: rName,
ImportState: true,
ImportStateVerify: true,
ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{"tags"},

func testFlinkTemplate_basic(name string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "flexibleengine_dli_template_flink" "test" {
name = "%s"
type = "flink_sql_job"
sql = "select * from source_table"
description = "This is a demo"
tags = {
foo = "bar"
key = "value"
`, name)

func testFlinkTemplate_basic_update(name string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "flexibleengine_dli_template_flink" "test" {
name = "%s"
type = "flink_sql_job"
sql = "select * from source_table2"
description = "This is a demo2"
tags = {
foo = "bar"
key = "value2"
`, name)
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions flexibleengine/provider.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -496,10 +496,12 @@ func Provider() *schema.Provider {
"flexibleengine_dli_spark_job": dli.ResourceDliSparkJobV2(),
"flexibleengine_dli_table": dli.ResourceDliTable(),
"flexibleengine_dli_flinksql_job": dli.ResourceFlinkSqlJob(),
"flexibleengine_drs_job": drs.ResourceDrsJob(),
"flexibleengine_fgs_dependency": fgs.ResourceFgsDependency(),
"flexibleengine_fgs_function": fgs.ResourceFgsFunctionV2(),
"flexibleengine_fgs_trigger": fgs.ResourceFunctionGraphTrigger(),
"flexibleengine_dli_template_flink": dli.ResourceFlinkTemplate(),

"flexibleengine_drs_job": drs.ResourceDrsJob(),
"flexibleengine_fgs_dependency": fgs.ResourceFgsDependency(),
"flexibleengine_fgs_function": fgs.ResourceFgsFunctionV2(),
"flexibleengine_fgs_trigger": fgs.ResourceFunctionGraphTrigger(),

"flexibleengine_gaussdb_cassandra_instance": gaussdb.ResourceGeminiDBInstanceV3(),
"flexibleengine_gaussdb_influx_instance": gaussdb.ResourceGaussDBInfluxInstanceV3(),
Expand Down

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