This document describe how to configure Flexible Engine Cloud Eye Services exporter for Prometheus.
Cloud Eye exporter for Prometheus support the following services :
- Elastic Cloud Server
- Elastic LoadBalancer
- Elastic IP
- Elastic Volume Service
- NAT Gateway
- Relational Database Service
Switch for branch SDKv3 for the following services support: SDKv3 Branch
- Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
- Elastic LoadBalancer (ELB)
- Elastic IP (EIP)
- Elastic Volume Service (EVS)
- NAT Gateway (NATG)
- Relational Database Service (RDS)
- Distributed cache service (DCS)
- Direct Connect service (DCAAS)
- Virtual private cloud (VPC)
- Auto scaling service (AS)
- FunctionGraph service (FGS)
- Data replication service (DRS)
- Document database service (DDS)
- API Gateway (APIG)
- Cloud backup and recovery (CBR)
- Web application firewall (WAF)
- Data lake insight (DLI)
- Scalable file service (SFS)
- Cloud data migration (CDM)
- Distributed Database Middleware (DDMS)
- GaussDB service (GaussDB)
- Data warehouse service (DWS)
- VPN service (VPN)
- Bare metal server (BMS)
- VPCEndpoiint service (VPCEP)
- ModelArts service (ModelArts)
- Graph engine service (GES)
- MapReduce service (MRS)
- Data lake governance service DGC (DAYU)
- Database security service (DBSS)
git clone
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin # You should put in your .profile or .bashrc
go version # to verify it runs and version #
go get
cd ~/go/src/
go build
First you need to customize the clouds.yml file to add your credentials :
Modify the "auth_url" value follwing your region (IAM API Endpoints list can be found here).
prefix: "flexibleengine"
port: ":8087"
auth_url: ""
project_name: "eu-west-0_myproject"
access_key: "<your-access-key>"
secret_key: "<your-secret-key>"
region: "eu-west-0"
auth_url: ""
project_name: "eu-west-0"
user_name: "username"
password: "password"
region: "eu-west-0"
domain_name: "domain_name"
Notes :
(default "0") is an offset (example "-5m") to ask Cloudeye for some older
(default false) allows Cloudeye Exporter to send metrics with their Cloudeye timestampglobal.ignore_empty_datapoints
(default false), when set, will ignore empty datapoints (no warnings)
./cloudeye-exporter -config=clouds.yml
By default service is running on port 8087, default config file location is ./clouds.yml.
Visit metrics in http://localhost:8087/metrics?services=SYS.VPC,SYS.ELB
Usage of ./cloudeye-exporter:
-config string
Path to the cloud configuration file (default "./clouds.yml")
If debug the code.
You need to edit Prometheus Configuration file
vim /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
Create a new job FlexibleEngine
Pass the The Cloud Eye Exporter address as targets
Add services
to monitor (see supported services)
Example config:
scrape_interval: 1m # Set the scrape interval to every 1 minute seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
scrape_timeout: 1m
- job_name: 'FlexibleEngine'
- targets: ['']
services: ['SYS.VPC,SYS.ELB']
Finally you need to restart Prometheus service
sudo systemctl restart prometheus
You can verify that FlexibleEngine targets is now available in Prometheus Targets