This project exposes an API for the algorand-dashboard-frontend project.
- This is a django project, thus requires a python installation and the pip package manager.
You can install python and pip easily with apt install following online tutorials or run the following commands:
$ sudo apt install python3-pip $ python3 --version
Create and activate a virtual environment
$ sudo apt install python3.8-venv $ python3 -m venv venv $ source venv/bin/activate
Install packages defined in requirements.txt using pip
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Installation command
$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Create a db called algodashboard
$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# create database algorand_dashboard; postgres=# create user algorand_admin with encrypted password '123456'; postgres=# grant all privileges on database algorand_dashboard to algorand_admin;
Start the server
$ sudo service postgresql start $ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Check if postgresql is running
$ sudo netstat -plunt |grep postgres
Installation command
$ sudo apt install redis-server
Preload constant data
$ python migrate $ python loaddata fixtures/model_fixtures.json
To reset the data if needed ** WARNING: THIS DELETES ALL DATA **
$ python3 flush
Simulated data is in the file dashboard_analytics/data/ It is an array of transactions and can be extended by following the same structure. A celery worker can be initiated to run the transaction processing task with the below command NB this is run after after starting the server (which queues the task on redis)
$ celery -A algorand_dashboard worker -B
- Create a file in the folder algorand_dashboard.
- Copy the file into the file.
$ python3 runserver