text analysis: process word cutting, POS tagging, to extracting ‘poem image’ and the action of people.
Material Library: Poem image material is divided into 3 category, those are background database, character database, action database separatly. For example: moon, pavilion, landscape. Old, middle-aged, young people. Walking, running, arm movement etc.
Montion Transfer: Transfer the specific action to the specific character (for example, ‘raise hand to invite the moon’, which is an action in a poem). Using EDN Model (Everybody Dance Now), contains 4 components, which are a pose detection (openpose project), pose normalization, a GAN model mapping from pose images to a target subject's appearance, another GAN model adding additional realistic face synthesis. The model is open-source. code in[EverybodyDanceNow_reproduce_pytorch]folder。
Segmentation: Separate characters from the background (realizing that synthesize the characters with transparent backgrounds into animations). The model is an open-source implementation of Mask R-CNN. The model generates bounding boxes and segmentation masks for each instance of an object in the image. It's based on Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) and a ResNet101 backbone.
Style Transfer: Tranfer scenery picture into the Chinese ancient ink painting style. Using cycle GAN model, which introducing a cycle consistency loss to constraint image transfer result and transfer back result. The dataset of source domain and target domain were crawling by ourselves. We propose a super-resolution method of positive stacked bottom for dealing the low resolution problem. The cycle GAN model is open-source. code in [cycle] folder.
Animation Synthesis: Synthesis process contains 3 component, that is material location, effect addition (zooming, shifting), frames to video. There can be some hard rules now, and more NLP comprehension in future.
Web Display: Providing project introduction, video list for watching.
utils:The crawler used by the project, as well as the super-resolution method based on the bottom of a positive chip, are in the [utils] folder.
step1: 出三个视频,分别让大家猜是哪首诗。
step2:讲技术流程,首先:1、text2entity,获取名词以及动词对应素材库中的素材。2、分割:将人的素材分割出来进行第三步处理,其他素材直接第四步。3、素材动态化,利用open pose + gan + face gan 生成动态素材。4、中国风风格迁移:将背景利用cyclegan(+人物)渲染成中国水墨风格。5、上述素材按照一定顺序整合成为动画(位置+缩放),输出为视频。6、前端展示,后端将视频存入数据库。
step4: 展望:1、丰富素材库。2、交互(语音+动作)。3、生成动画的画面逻辑(素材的物理意义)。
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