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Taboo, Word Guessing Game

  • Taboo is an offline word game played in teams. Tell your team the main word without using the forbidden words and get the score!

How to Play?

The team that tells the most words without using forbidden ones before time runs out wins.

  • The person telling the word may not use any taboo word, including abbreviation, any part of the word taboo.
  • The person telling the word may not use sound or gestures to indicate the taboo word.
  • You can skip as many words as the set pass limit.
  • When the team member knows the word correctly, the score is increased by one.
  • If you use the word taboo, you will be penalized 1 point and your score will be reduced by one.
  • The game can be ended at any time if each team has played an equal number of rounds. When the game is over, the team with the most points wins.

⚡ Taboo is live on Play Store ⚡

In-Game Screenshots


Note for developers:

To avoid errors after installation,

  • Import GoogleMobileAdsSettings file using Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin v8.5.2 to Assets/GoogleMobileAds/Resources folder.
  • Set your own Google AdMob App ID and set ad ID (test ID given in comment line) in GoogleAdMobController.cs script.
  • Import following Firebase Unity packages: App Check, Crashlytics, Messaging.


Development Tools

External Resources

  • Taboo words generated by ChatGPT.