- Revise code for readability and maintainability by @FajarKim in #219 and #224.
- Update x position for data stats text by @FajarKim in #220.
- Update x position for text and icon by @FajarKim in #221.
- Update x position for text and icon if locale is right to left by @FajarKim in #222.
- Bugs check valid gradient color by @FajarKim in #225.
- Added eslint TypeScript by @FajarKim in #227.
- Added environment variable tokens 2 and 3 by @FajarKim in #228.
- Use tokens 2 and 3 for fetches the stats and data user by @FajarKim in #229.
New Contributors
- Nothing new contributors to list.
We appreciate your continued support and contributions to the project. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future!
Full Changelog: v1.0.8-beta.1...v1.0.9