Releases: FaceDeer/dfcaverns
Mineclone2 support update
Ambience, Achievements, and Mineclone support
This is a bugfix release that fixes a rare crash if the player lingers in the 1-node-thick boundary layer between layer2 and layer3 in the bloodthorn/nethercap biome.
Also added some API documentation.
Ambience, Achievements, and Mineclone2 support
- Fix undeclared local
- add group food_sugar to sugar, remove group stone from slade_drill
Ambience, Achievements, and Mineclone2 support
Bugfix for Ambience, Achievements, and Mineclone2 support.
- fix crash when mesecons mod is installed with default game
- remove flora group from underground plants
Ambience, Achievements, and Mineclone2 support
This release has a lot of changes under the hood to allow cross-compatibility with Mineclone 2. Mineclone 5 support is pending a pull request to that game's repository.
In addition, several new features have been added. Most significantly: there are ambient sounds that play in the various subterranean caverns that correspond to the biomes they contain, and a set of achievements have been added based on the "awards" mod.
Pit caves
v2.1: Merge pull request #17 from FaceDeer/ground_covers
Accumulated tweaks and bugfixes, as well as several new minor features:
- New ground cover types
- Guardian statues in the Underworld
- Glowstone veins in the Primordial layer
- Limit fire spread in the Primordial layer
- hunger_ng support, with a few new edibles in Primordial layer
Primordial cavern layer
Various bugfixes to existing cavern layers, and the addition of the all-new Primordial cavern layer beneath the Underworld.
v1.0: Small stuff (#8)
Last release before Primordial cavern layer was added