Inspired by Twini-Golf by Polymars, this project is a work in progress Table Tennis game made in SDL2 (C++). This is my first C++ project ever, and I made this game to learn the basics of the programming language. (it may also contain a lot of memory leaks, but I don't know how to write leak-free cpp code)
This project takes advantage of the SDL2.0 (Simple DirectMedia Layer v2) Framework together with the extensions SDL_image and SDL_mixer
Program will later be released as a packaged program.
- Download and install SDL2.0
- Download and install libraries / dependencies
- Build the
with cmake version 3.22.3 and link with g++ (clang) version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.27.3) - The output will be located in
together with the resources. - Run the application with
- Because I'm using a retina display, the game may not be optimized for other displays. (The game calculates with only half the resolution, so on 'normal displays' the textures may only fill up a quarter of the screen).
- Start / Options menu
- Play against computer
- multiplayer maybe maybe maybe...
- Suitable logo
- Music
The game uses a custom-made ECS (Entity Component System) which is very small in code size and does not require component signatures, multiple maps or registry. Every entity has one simple unordered map of components.
std::unordered_map<const char*, Component*> components;
As you can see in the following code snippet, the key of the map is the typeid of the component and the value is the component itself. Also, the entity with the newly added component gets returned, so you can use it to add other components in the same line of code.
template<class T> Entity* addComponent(T *component) {
this->components[typeid(*component).name()] = component;
return this;
In order to get a component from an entity, we will up-cast the base component to the derived class we want to have:
template<class T> T* getComponent() {
return dynamic_cast<T*>(
Components can also be removed from an entity by erasing the key (typeid) from the map.
template<class T> Entity* removeComponent() {
return this;
For rendering, I chose to use a spriteRenderer-component architecture on each of the entities that need to be displayed on the screen. Previously, I would have created an independant renderTarget instance for each entity, but this only led to problems when trying to interact with the renderTarget. With the component-based approach, it's very easy for the different scripts to communicate with each other.
void SpriteRenderer::onInitialize() {
transform = parent->getComponent<Transform>();
void SpriteRenderer::onStart() {
printf("Loading Texture %s\n", img);
texture = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, img);
void SpriteRenderer::onUpdate() {
SDL_Rect destrect; // [initialization...]
renderer, texture, &srcrect, &destrect, transform->getRotation(), transform->getAnchor(), SDL_FLIP_NONE
Note the use of the transform-component. This component stores position, rotation and scale to use in the rendering and calculations.