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0.7 Milestone 4

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@TomasMikula TomasMikula released this 27 Mar 05:22
· 709 commits to master since this release


  • When user types a key to insert a character into the document, the caret is not moved to be in front of that just-inserted character. Instead, the caret stays at its original position, reversing any inserted words/phrases via user keyboard input (See #472). To work around this, override the replace method:
public void replace(int from, int to, StyledDocument<PS, SEG, S> document) {
    if (from == to && document.length() == 0) {
        return; // ignore changes that do nothing. Or TextChange throws IllegalArgumentException
    super.replace(from, to, document);
    int newCaretPos = getCaretPosition() + document.length();
    selectRange(newCaretPos, newCaretPos);

New features

  • Expose API for "scroll[X/Y]By" to scroll view by specific amount
  • Add "show()" methods to force viewport to display a specific line at top, bottom or within viewport
  • Better support multi-line wrapped paragraphs API
    • Added method to get the number of lines a wrapped multi-line paragraph spans
    • Renamed "line" methods to "paragraph" methods and implement actual "line" methods
    • Shift + Home/End moves caret to start of line, not paragraph
  • Add API for caret/selection bounds on screen
  • All areas are now FXML-ready

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed "-fx-highlight-fill" CSS issue
  • Fixed "-fx-caret-blink-rate" CSS issue
  • Fixed regression: RTFX supports ContextMenu as before
  • Fixed horizontal scrollbar not working issue
  • Fixed Exception thrown when trying to merge a change that inserts text with a change that deletes that text
  • Fixed LineNumberFactory's type to use base area (GenericStyledArea) rather than StyledTextArea

Refactoring or Updates

  • Default mouse behavior has been reconfigured to be more overridable-friendly. See GenericStyledArea's javadoc for details.
  • Javadoc to Flowless & ReactFX links have been fixed
  • ".virtual-flow" removed from "styled-text-area.css"
  • "positionCaret()" has been renamed to "displaceCaret()" and its javadoc better clarifies what it does
  • Popup API fully deprecated
  • ReadMe updated & dead links fixed
  • RichText demo updated to use interface for better memory usage