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FIlchersSoup edited this page Sep 21, 2013 · 4 revisions

The vHunter wiki!


  • Signs for Entry and Exit to the game
  • Sign names will turn green if created properly
    • Line 1 - <-vHunter->
    • Line 2 - Enter or Exit
  • Players are randomly selected to be either a Hunter or a Vampire
  • Players will be warped to the vHunter world you set
  • Each class will receive a set of weapons and have a weakness to a set of weapons
  • Vampires will burn in the sun if outside
  • Use the exit sign or die to exit game
  • Vampires can fly


  • All commands are for ops currently
  • vHunter or vh or vhunt is the base for the command (i.e. /vhunter (command) (args))
  • clrflag - removes the vHunter flag on the player
    • NOTE--- Does not remove special effects like flying and does not warp them out of the vHunter world
  • vwarp - warps to and from the vHunter world
    • vwarp with no arguments warps to vHunter world -
    • vwarp (world) will warp you to that world -
    • NOTE--- vWarp will not warp within the same world and only warps you to the spawn of a different world.


  • EQUIPMENT - The equipment that will be issued to players when they join.
    • Items are followed by a name that will be set for each item.
  • VBURN - Set the number of ticks a player will burn if they are out in the sun as a vampire - the schedule checks for burn every 200 ticks (10 Seconds)
  • WEAKNESS - The items for each class weakness
  • WORLD - Set the world a player will spawn in when they enter the game
    • Leave blank if you want them to remain in the same world

Player File (vHunter.yml)


  • Each player will have a flag set - "vampire" or "hunter"
  • Each player will have a world set
    • This is the world they entered the game from
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