This application can provide You recipe ideas with Your chosen ingredients.
- User can create/update/delete an account.
- User can log in using email and password.
- User can search recipe for ingredient.
Coming soon:
User can add his favourite recipe to the cookbook.
User can add his own recipe to app.
- Java 11
- SpringBoot (JPA, Security, Thymeleaf, Web)
- Hibernate
- H2
- RestAPI
- Mockito
- JUnit
- Swagger
Run with IntelliJ - the project was developed using Jetbrains IntelliJ and can be imported with pom.xml file (prerequisites) - you need Maven and Java 11
- 'mvn install' - to download dependencies
- 'mvn spring-boot:run' - for opening via command line
- opening web browser on http://localhost:8080 - you can expect a main page
For the application I used
Work in progress.