Releases: Exxarion/WorldGM
Releases · Exxarion/WorldGM
WorldGM v9.0
- Support for the latest Pocketmine builds
- Fixes an issue where players' gamemodes aren't set on world change
- Removed a broken method (getWorldGamemode(), which was the root of most problems)
- Bumped version
- Restarted development on this plugin, I now offer support for it (only for the latest versions)
WorldGM v8.0
- Fixed an issue with gamemode setting
- Added 2 new commands: /s and /c
- /s: Sets your gamemode to Survival (Can only be ran by the player)
- /c: Sets your gamemode to Creative (Can only be ran by the player)
- Full Pocketmine 1.5 support
- 2 new permissions: wgm.survival and wgm.creative
- Permission wgm.survival allows players to use /s
- Permission wgm.creative allows players to use /c
- Cleanup
WorldGM v7.0
- (semi) Supported for Pocketmine 1.5/MCPE 0.11.0
- /wgm update - Check for WorldGM updates
- Few bug fixes, especially with World switching
- Bit of cleanup
- Removed all auto-op-exluding = It did not work properly and caused a huge mess.
WorldGM v6.1
- Fixed a crash when running the command /wgm set
- Small changes
WorldGM v6.0
- /wgm gm - Lists available gamemodes that you can set your world to, along with their number codes.
- Re-added some bad practice, as it is (for some reason) the only way for it to work properly
- The plugin now Auto-excludes OPs (Testing)
- The plugin sends a message to players when their gamemode changes (Kinda pointless right now, but when Mojang fixes gamemode crashes, it will have some use)
WorldGM v5.0
- New sub-command: /wgm check = Check the gamemodes of all online players, along with the worlds they are in.
- The main command menu now looks more beautiful!
- Bad practice completely removed
- Fixed some more errors
- /wgm version now has colors
- Small cleanup
- Updated main usage
- Even more bug fixes
- Lots more hugs :D
WorldGM v4.1
- New sub-command: /wgm version = Check the version of WorldGM you are using
- Fixed some errors
- Small improvements
WorldGM v4.0
- New help menu
- Colors :D
- Fixed bug with survival/creative switching
- Fixed the "world does not exist bug"
- Console support
- Changed some small things
- Moar bug fixes
- Compressed more, so it should take up less memory
- More hugs :)
WorldGM v3.0
- Fixed gamemode changing. THE PLUGIN FINALLY WORKS NOW :D
- Improved messages
- Prettier (unset) Config
- New permission setup: wgm.use
- You no longer have to type the world. You must be in the world you want to set
- New config format (be sure to copy over if you have an older version!
- API and version bump
WorldGM v2.0
*First release, yet not first update.
Initial release