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Laravel Make Extended

The Laravel Make Extended package provides additional make: commands that simplify common development tasks in Laravel, such as creating actions, DTOs (Data Transfer Objects), repositories, services, and more. This package aims to fill gaps in Laravel's built-in Artisan commands, offering enhanced tools to streamline development.

Developed to boost productivity and maintain code organization, these commands provide structure and separation of concerns for complex Laravel applications.

Key Features

  • Enhanced make: commands: Adds useful Artisan commands like make:action, make:dto, make:repository, and make:service.
  • Separation of concerns: Promotes clean architecture patterns like CQRS and DDD (Domain-Driven Design) by offering DTOs, actions, and repositories.
  • Extendable: Easily customizable stubs for generated files. See the Customizing Stubs section for more information.
  • Seamless integration: Works seamlessly with existing Laravel projects from version 9.x onwards.


To install the Laravel Make Extended package, follow these steps:

  1. Install via Composer:

    Run the following command to install the package via Composer:

    composer require evotic/make-extended
  2. Publish Configuration (Optional):

    If you want to customize any aspect of the package, you can publish the configuration files:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=make-extended-config


Once the package is installed, you can start using the new make: commands in your Laravel project.

For example, to create a new action class, simply run:

php artisan make:action YourAction

Each generated file will be placed in the appropriate folder, following Laravel’s naming conventions.

Available Commands

This package provides the following make: commands:


Creates a single-action class, which can be used to organize your business logic and simplify controllers. Typically used in a CQRS pattern.


php artisan make:action ProcessOrderAction

This generates the following file:

// app/Actions/ProcessOrderAction.php

namespace App\Actions;

class ProcessOrderAction
    public function __invoke()

Use Case:

Single-action classes can be useful for organizing logic that```s reused across different parts of your application (such as processing an order, user registration, etc.).


Generates a Data Transfer Object (DTO) class. DTOs are used to encapsulate data that is passed between layers of the application.


php artisan make:dto UserDto

This generates the following file:

// app/DTOs/UserDto.php

namespace App\DTOs;

class UserDto
   public function __construct(
   ) {}

    // Add your methods here

Use Case:

DTOs are used to carry data between different layers of the application (e.g., from a controller to a service) while ensuring that the data structure is consistent and immutable.


Creates a Repository class, useful for abstracting data access logic. Repositories are often used in service layers to handle database operations, ensuring that the domain logic is decoupled from the data source.


php artisan make:repository UserRepository

This generates the following file:

// app/Repositories/UserRepository.php

namespace App\Repositories;

class UserRepository
    public function all()
    // Fetch all users

    public function find($id)
        // Find a user by ID

    public function create(array $data)
        // Create a new user

    public function update($id, array $data)
        // Update an existing user

    public function delete($id)
        // Delete a user

Use Case:

Repositories provide an abstraction layer between the business logic and the database, allowing developers to swap out the data source without affecting the rest of the application.


Creates a Service class. Services contain the business logic of the application and typically call repositories or other services to perform their operations.


php artisan make:service PaymentService

This generates the following file:

// app/Services/PaymentService.php

namespace App\Services;

class PaymentService
    public function __construct()

    // Add your methods here

Use Case:

Service classes are useful for isolating business logic, making it easier to maintain, test, and reuse across different parts of the application.

Customizing Stubs

If you need to customize the stubs generated by the make: commands, you can publish the stubs to your Laravel project by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=make-extended-stubs

This will publish the stubs to the resources/stubs/make-extended directory in your Laravel application. You can then modify these stubs as needed, and the package will use the customized stubs instead of the default ones.


To customize the Service.stub, you would find the file at: resources/stubs/make-extended/Service.stub.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, feel free to submit pull requests or open issues on GitHub. Contributions, suggestions, and improvements are always welcome!

Important Links


This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.