Testing #68
7 errors
Test with Pester
[-] Build-Module.Create New Module 59ms (43ms|17ms)
Test with Pester
[-] Remove-Comments.Save to variable 125ms (124ms|1ms)
Test with Pester
[-] Remove-Comments.Save to file 26ms (25ms|1ms)
Test with Pester
[-] Remove-Comments.Save to file - RemoveAllEmptyLines 23ms (22ms|1ms)
Test with Pester
[-] Remove-Comments.Save to file - RemoveEmptyLines 36ms (35ms|1ms)
Test with Pester
[-] Remove-Comments.Save to file - RemoveEmptyLines 29ms (27ms|1ms)
Test with Pester
Process completed with exit code 1.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.