Improve the productivity of your company with convenient tool for iterative and incremental agile software development. Scrumlab is a platform which integrates popular software management system – Gitlab and Scrum methodology. We create reactive kanban dashboard and provide sprints functionality. Scrumlab let you integrate Gitlab content such as projects and issues assigned to your gitlab account.
Divide your project issues into tasks and assign it to specific project member. Work with distributed team, access it from anywhere with an internet connection and get things done with our intuitive Drag and Drop scheduling system.
- Fetching Gitlab projects
- Syncing Issues
- Creating/editing Sprints
- Estimating Sprints/Issues time
- Plan Sprint
- Changing issue status
- Create tasks as a parts of Issue
- Moving issues to another Sprint
- Reports
- Email notifications
- Gitlab - server - link to intalation prcedure
- Mongo container with replica sets (one machine)
Pull latest mongodb image and run container
docker pull mongo:latest docker run --name db -d mongo --replSet rs0
Install mongo client
sudo apt-get install mongodb-clients
Check container ip address, connect to database Container and implement replica set
docker inspect db | grep "IPAddress" mongo rs.initiate() exit
Pull scrumlab image, run Container and link database
docker pull ermlab/scrumlab docker run -d --name scrumlab -e ROOT_URL= -e MONGO_URL=mongodb://db:27017/test -e MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://db:27017/local -p 80:80 --link db:db ermlab/scrumlab
For non-comercial and opensource projects - MIT license
For comercial use - please contact us [email protected]