- This application is coded in React Native and is compatible with iOS and Android. This application is intended to allow local Springfield, Missouri job seekers find a job or job event in their local area that is convienent to navigate to.
Frontend available for install at
- $ git clone 'https://github.com/EricM96/SGF-Workforce-Development.git'
- $ git checkout master
- $ npm install
- $ npm install expo
- $ expo start
- install expo on you phone!
Backend server available for install (NOTE: Curently is set as production on heroku, will not run locally!)
- $ git clone 'https://github.com/tomjar/SGF-Workforce-Development.git'
- $ git checkout master
- $ npm install
- $ node server.js
- Visual Studio Code
- MongoDb
- Expo
- iOS Simulator or iOS phone
- Android Simulator or Android phone
- Thomas Reese - Initial work - tomjar
- Doug McCullough - Initial work - doug3033
- Eric McCullough - Initial work - EricM96
- Amber Donaldson - Initial work - bramberdon
- Hack 4 Good
- Hack 4 Good staff!
- Everyone who showed up!