A cross platform library for dynamic 2d lighting.
- Library development
Use the linter clang-tidy, bundled with the c/c++ extension of vscode https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/visual-studio-code-c-december-2021-update-clang-tidy/
Use the following to set up a dev environment on Windows 10
Open command prompt and run ./scripts/windows/bootstrap.bat
This will install vcpkg to your HOMEPATH (usually /Users/{username})
Ensure that cmake support is installed as part of Visual Studio so that it can automatically build the cmake project.
Open the project using either 'File > Open > Folder..' or 'Open local folder' from the Getting started screen
See below in Mac setup instructions
- Install the "google test adapter" extension
- Switch to the x64-Test config
- Wait for build to complete (autoconfigure cmake must be enabled)
- Select and run the all_tests.exe target
A window should open with test results displayed inside
Use the following to set up a dev environment on macOS (tested with Catalina)
Run the script ./scripts/osx/bootstrap.sh
to install the necessary dependencies.
This will allow you to run the other scripts:
- Build both SolasLib and ScenarioViewer and run the latter./scripts/osx/release.sh
- Build SolasLib only as a .dylib./scripts/osx/test.sh
- Build SolasLib only and run the tests
You can run the demo app directly from visual studio code if you follow these next steps
First install two plugins
- C/C++
- Cmake Tools
Next add the following to .vscode/settings.json
"cmake.configureOnOpen": true,
"C_Cpp.default.configurationProvider": "ms-vscode.cmake-tools",
"cmake.configureArgs": [
"C_Cpp.default.includePath": [
"C_Cpp.default.cppStandard": "c++20",
"cmake.buildDirectory": "\${workspaceFolder}/build/vscode"
Finally, make sure to configure the IDE to use the correct compiler.
- Press cmd + shift + p to open the command pallette and enter "CMake: Select a kit"
- Select the appropriate compiler from the options provided (may require some trial and error to find the most optimized one)
This is a demo app that uses the solas API
- Use arrow keys left and right to switch between scenarios.
- Use WASD to move the placement cursor around
- Hold left shift to move around slowly for more precise placement
- Left click adds a new light
- Use 'L' key to toggle lighting on/off
- Use 'R' key to alter the light span
- Use 'P' to switch between Light placement and Wall placement