This is the repo for the Course Project of CS335. This includes a complete implementation of Java 17 Compiler from scratch. The Compiler supports most of the features of Java 17. The compiler is written in C++ and uses flex and bison for lexical and syntax analysis. The compiler generates assembly code for the x86-64 architecture. The compiler is tested on Fedora 34 and GCC 12.2.1. Please refer to milestone4/doc/doc.pdf for detailed documentation.
List of features supported by the compiler:
All primitive data types
Multidimensional arrays
All basic operators (arithmetic, increment, relational , bitwise ...)
Control flow statements including if-else, for, while.
Support for method calling.
Support for recursion.
Support for System.out.println() : Note this library is not supported, System.out.println() is provided for IO testing.
Support for classes and objects.
Syntax and Semantic checks have been implemented in accordance with
Support for static methods and variables.
This is step by step execution section, check next section for end to end compilation.
cd milestone4/src
cd ..
./a.out - -input ./path/ - -output ./path/output
- This generates output_3ac.txt
cp ./path/output_3ac.txt ./outputs/proc.txt
python3 ./ > asm.s
- Generates assembly code in asm.s
gcc asm.s -o asm.out
- Compiles assembly code to generate executable
I have provided an easy python script to automate the testing and bulk execution.
Please change directory into
The tests are named ./tests/test [1-10].java, corresponding outputs in- clude ./outputs/[1-10] symtable.csv, ./outputs/[1-10] 3ac.txt, ./outputs/asm[1- 10].s and ./outputs/asm[1-10].out, .out files indicate the final binaries.
This script may be used by the tester for end-to-end evaluation as well. The number of test cases may be changed in line 10 of and line 5 of Please ensure that tests are named correctly i.e. ./tests/test [1- 10].java.