👋 Heyyy! I'm Danilo de Melo, a Brazilian software engineering student at University of Brasilia .
- Name: Danilo de Melo
- Age: 19 years
- Profession: Mobile Developer
- Currently Studying: Flutter, React Native and Kotlin
👋 Heyyy! I'm Danilo de Melo, a Brazilian software engineering student at University of Brasilia .
SIGE IE. Sistema web mobile para retrofitting e gestão de instalações elétricas.
Task App is a task management app built with React Native. Easily add, edit, and mark tasks as completed. It uses TypeScript and AsyncStorage for robust code and local data persistence.
Explore global weather with City Weather API: Pure JavaScript project offering real-time temperature, humidity, and wind data for any city. Easy access to detailed forecasts.
"Pokedex" is a JavaScript project featuring an interactive search for 650 Pokémon. Utilizes JavaScript, Sass, and HTML5 for a responsive and engaging user experience.
"To do List" is a pure JavaScript project offering a comprehensive task management system in your browser. It allows users to create, edit, and delete tasks with features like task filtering, searc…
"Calculator" is a purely JavaScript-built project with a dynamic UI, allowing users to perform basic arithmetic and decimal operations, and input via keyboard, all showcased in a responsive, visual…